I am running Plone 4.1 on Ubuntu 10.04. How one should configure

  • Varnish (public IP:80) - default.vcl from Ubuntu/Debian

  • plone.app.caching

... so that purging works correctly

I am not that interest getting per-page cache clears, but having Purge button working in the site control panel would be nice and giving editors to easy to clear the cache in the case of emergency.

(Alternative I can show how to use varnishadm, but I think setting up Varnish and Plone to discuss each other cannot be that difficult)


1 回答 1



一个奇怪的是,您需要始终将端口添加到域中,因此如果您想接受多个域,请使用http://example.com:80 (文档在 SVN 中固定)之类的东西。

如果你在 80 端口上运行 Varnish,应该清楚虚拟主机重写不会发生在 Varnish 前面,所以你相应地设置了相应的复选框。

于 2011-08-09T16:22:51.583 回答