我在 Spring Boot 中有一个这样的 Kafka 发布者。
class EventPublisher(private val kafkaTemplate: KafkaTemplate<String, Event>) {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EventPublisher::class.java)
fun publish(event: Event) {
kafkaTemplate.send("topic", event.getId(), event).addCallback({
println("Record pushed with Id ${it?.producerRecord?.value()?.getId()}")
}, {
logger.error("Failed to publish record with ID ${event.getId()} with Exception ${it.message}", it)
fun `Can catch exception during publish message to Kafka`() {
val future = SettableListenableFuture<SendResult<String, Event>>()
future.setException(InterruptedException("Exception calling Kafka"))
every { future.addCallback(any<SuccessCallback<SendResult<String, Event>>>(), any()) } throws InterruptedException("Exception calling Kafka")
val kafkaTemplate = mockk<KafkaTemplate<String, Event>>()
every { kafkaTemplate.send("test", any<Event>()) } returns future
val publisher = TelemetryPublisher(kafkaTemplate, "test")
shouldThrow<InterruptedException> {
publisher.publish(Event("1", 1, 10)))
Failed matching mocking signature for
left matchers: [any(), any()]
io.mockk.MockKException: Failed matching mocking signature for
left matchers: [any(), any()]