

我在 shell 中定义了全局目录,如下所示:


$export ydb_gbldir.

当我尝试在 shell $ydb 中访问 YottaDB 应用程序时,我收到以下错误:

错误文件位于 /tmp/ydb_env_3163_9e7vEJ/err 150374122,Robustify+10^%YDBENV,%YDB-E-ZGBLDIRACC,无法访问全局目录 /home/test/memory.gld。无法继续。,%SYSTEM-E-ENO2, 没有这样的文件或目录 $ZSTATUS="150374122,Robustify+10^%YDBENV,%YDB-E-ZGBLDIRACC, 无法访问全局目录 /home/test/memory.gld。无法继续。,%SYSTEM-E-ENO2, 没有这样的文件或目录” /usr/local/lib/yottadb/r132/ydb: 19: /yottadb: not found



1 回答 1


前段时间我已经发布了如何创建工作 m 安装的说明。也许它可以帮助你。必须以 root 身份执行以下命令才能保存多个 sudo:

 apt install libicu-dev (needed for UTF-8 support)
    mkdir /tmp/tmp ; wget -P /tmp/tmp https://gitlab.com/YottaDB/DB/YDB/raw/master/sr_unix/ydbinstall.sh
    cd /tmp/tmp ; chmod +x ydbinstall.sh
    ./ydbinstall.sh --utf8 default --verbose r1.28
    mkdir /var/lib/yottadb
    mkdir /var/lib/yottadb/r
    mkdir /var/lib/yottadb/g
    mkdir /var/lib/yottadb/o
    chmod 775 -R /var/lib/yottadb
    groupadd yottadb
    chgrp yottadb -R /var/lib/yottadb/
    usermod -aG yottadb <username>
    I put the following commands at the end of /etc/bash.bashrc
    export ydb_dist=/usr/local/lib/yottadb/r128
    export PATH=$PATH:$ydb_dist
    export ydb_gbldir=/var/lib/yottadb/g/gtm.gld
    export ydb_routines="/var/lib/yottadb/o(/var/lib/yottadb/r) /usr/local/lib/yottadb/r128/utf8/libyottadbutil.so"
    export ydb_ztrap_form="adaptive"
    export ydb_chset="UTF-8"
    export ydb_icu_version=`pkg-config --modversion icu-io`
    export gtm_icu_version=$ydb_icu_version
    alias m="\$ydb_dist/mumps -di"
    alias M="\$ydb_dist/mumps -di"
    alias gde="\$ydb_dist/mumps -run GDE"
    I've added a yottadb-group to restrict directory access to users in that group
    After this a reboot is necessary beacuse the new group is not active until reboot as I had to learn. Also the bash.bashrc is in effect then
    next step is to create the global directory
    $ gde
    GDE> change -seg default -file=/var/lib/yottadb/g/mumps.dat
    GDE> exit
    $ mupip create
    now I have a full working YottaDB environment.
    A Hello World Example would be:
    nano /var/lib/yottadb/r/helloworld.m
    HelloWorld ;
    W "Hello World!"
    back on shell:
    $ mumps -r helloworld
    Mumps Commandline can be reached by
    $ m 


于 2021-09-27T20:40:13.837 回答