
// use Packhalf5 to align to 16 B
struct Packhalf5
    half4 a;
    half4 b;

kernel void cs_main(
texture2d_array<float> t_f123 [[texture(0)]]
, texture2d_array<float, access::write> t_normal [[texture(3)]]
, sampler s_f123 [[sampler(0)]]
, uint3 gl_GlobalInvocationID [[thread_position_in_grid]]
, uint3 gl_LocalInvocationID [[thread_position_in_threadgroup]]
    // use Packhalf5 to align to 16 B
    // BLOCK_SIZE_Y = 1
    // BLOCK_SIZE_X = 128 or 64 or 32
    // MAX_PIXR = 20
    threadgroup Packhalf5 gCache[BLOCK_SIZE_Y][BLOCK_SIZE_X + 2 * MAX_PIXR];
    // cache texture samples in thread group memory gCache so that we can read it quickly and avoid most texture samples in loop
    if (gl_LocalInvocationID.y < _35)
       // ...
        Packhalf5 pkh5;
        pkh5.a.xyz = half3(half4(t_f123.sample(s_f123, _2.xy, uint(round(_2.z)), level(0.0))).xyz);
        pkh5.b.xy = half2(half4(t_f45.sample(s_f45, _2.xy, uint(round(_2.z)), level(0.0))).xy);
        gCache[gl_LocalInvocationID.x][gl_LocalInvocationID.y] = pkh5;
    if (gl_LocalInvocationID.y >= uint(BLOCK_SIZE_X - _34))
        // ...
        Packhalf5 pkh5;
        pkh5.a.xyz = half3(half4(t_f123.sample(s_f123, _3.xy, uint(round(_3.z)), level(0.0))).xyz);
        pkh5.b.xy = half2(half4(t_f45.sample(s_f45, _3.xy, uint(round(_3.z)), level(0.0))).xy);
        gCache[gl_LocalInvocationID.x][_36] = pkh5;

    Packhalf5 pkh5;
    pkh5.a.xyz = half3(half4(t_f123.sample(s_f123, _31.xy, uint(round(_31.z)), level(0.0))).xyz);
    pkh5.b.xy = half2(half4(t_f45.sample(s_f45, _31.xy, uint(round(_31.z)), level(0.0))).xy);
    gCache[gl_LocalInvocationID.x][_37] = pkh5;


    // use gCache to blur image
    for (int i = 0;i<kernel_size;++i)
        // calculate index
        int a = f1(i);
        int b = f2(i);
        Packhalf5 pkh5;
        //it is extremly slow than directly sampling texture (t_f123.sample(s_f123, _3.xy, uint(round(_3.z)), level(0.0))
        pkh5 = gCache[gl_LocalInvocationID.x][a];
        float2 _42 = float2(pkh5.b.xy);
        float3 _43 = (float3(pkh5.a.xyz) * float3(1.0, 0.5, 0.5)) + float3(0.0, -0.25, -0.25);
        //it is extremly slow than directly sampling texture
        pkh5 = gCache[gl_LocalInvocationID.x][b];
        float2 _45 = float2(pkh5.b.xy);
        float3 _46 = (float3(pkh5.a.xyz) * float3(1.0, 0.5, 0.5)) + float3(0.0, -0.25, -0.25);
        // use _42,_43,_45_46
    // wirte blur result
    t_normal.write(_16, uint2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy), uint(gl_GlobalInvocationID.z));

我编写了这个着色器来优化一些模糊操作,类似于128x128 图片上的高斯模糊,我在iPhone XR上的 Xcode 帧调试器中对其进行测试和分析发现:

从循环中的线程组内存“gCache”加载比直接采样纹理(即)慢得多(着色器需要30%的总时间来加载 gCache,但如果我直接更改为只需要< 5%的总时间采样纹理到采样纹理t_f123.sample(s_f123, _3.xy, uint(round(_3.z)), level(0.0)




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