We're using CRM On-Demand for our Service Group and I'm running into an application limitation and am wondering if anyone has a workaround or just some general ideas on how to accomplish our goal.

In the application, our major focus is around the Service Request and driving for users to create Tasks for all Activities related to working towards closure. For example, a customer calls in and we need a technical resource to make a return call to diagnose the issue in detail, so a Task is assigned to that resource. Once that Task has been marked as completed, I'd like the Status to be updated. I tried creating a workflow using JoinFieldValue(), which wasn't working. I tried a more basic approach and tried to just have a field on the Service Request be populated with the Status of the Task, but that did not work either.

Upon further investigation in the Help File, there is a relationship from the Activity object to the Service Request object, but not one the other way.

So, has anyone else run into this limitation and found some other method to have a Status change on the Task update the Status of a Service Request?

(Also, I'd like to try and avoid writing a custom web service for this purpose, which is why I'm trying to use the tools in the app)

Thanks in advance for any ideas!


1 回答 1


实际上,如果我很好地理解您的问题与工作流跨对象有关。当您需要使用变通方法时,OCOD 不会管理此类工作流。


  1. 如您所说的 web 服务,但您可以想象一个 js 代码将运行 WS 并直接托管到 OCOD 中(在 R19 中,您可以将其托管在客户端扩展中)。这可能是一个很好的解决方案
  2. 另一种可能是使用带有自定义查找功能的报告,并使用“回调”功能


于 2011-09-29T20:47:56.613 回答