我想在热图 ggtree 上设置 x 轴。
ggtree(working_tree,open.angle=15, size=0.1) %<+% avian %<+% color +
aes(color = I(colour)) +
geom_tippoint(size = 2,) +
geom_tiplab(size = 3, colour = "black") +
# I want to rotate the x axis and get the positive number
p1 <- revts(p) + scale_x_continuous(labels = abs)
h1 <- gheatmap(p1, landuse,
offset = 15, width = 0.05, font.size = 3, colnames_position = "top", colnames_angle = 0,
colnames_offset_y = 0, hjust = 0) +
scale_fill_manual(breaks = c("Forest", "Jungle rubber", "Rubber", "Oil palm"),
values = c("#458B00", "#76EE00", "#1874CD", "#00BFFF"), name = "Land use system",
na.value = "white")
,我得到了这张图片 问题是当我显示热图时,x轴自动将范围本身从0更改为60。但是,我想要的范围是从0到80。