我使用相同的数据构建了 6 个交互式县分区地图,并将它们分组在一起显示。将鼠标悬停在一个邮政编码区域上会显示在所有其他地图中突出显示的相同邮政编码。将鼠标悬停在一个位置上时,有没有办法在其他地图上显示该邮政编码的工具提示?
#Example of ggplot code to build maps
hispperc = round(demo.map.data$hispanic / demo.map.data$totalpop * 100, 0)
hisptooltip<- c(paste0(hispperc, "% <br>", demo.map.data$ZCTA5CE10))
demo.map.hisp <- ggplot(demo.map.data) +
geom_sf_interactive(aes(fill = round(hispanic / totalpop * 100, 0), tooltip = hisptooltip, data_id = ZCTA5CE10), colour = "white") +
geom_sf_interactive(data = county.simp, fill = NA, colour = "grey20", lwd = 1) +
theme_void() +
scale_fill_viridis_c(name = "Hispanic Population (%)", aesthetics = "fill", option = "D", direction = -1) +
ggtitle(paste("Hispanic Population\n", params$county, ", ", params$state, sep = "")) +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 10),
plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 10))
#grouping maps to be displayed
refmaps <- girafe(ggobj=plot_grid(demo.map.amindian, demo.map.asian, demo.map.black, demo.map.hawaiian,demo.map.hisp, demo.map.white),
width_svg = 13,
height_svg = 5,
options = list(opts_tooltip(offx = 20, offy = 20),
opts_sizing(rescale = FALSE,width = 1.0),
opts_zoom(max = 5),
opts_hover( reactive = TRUE)))