我正在尝试使用 PHP 和 SoapClient 来利用 UPS Ratings Web 服务。我找到了一个名为 WSDLInterpreter 的好工具来创建用于创建服务请求的起点库,但无论我尝试什么,我都会不断收到相同的(非描述性)错误:

   'message' => 'An exception has been raised as a result of client data.',
   'string' => '',
   'code' => 0,


与我实施的其他一些 Web 服务工具不同,UPS Soap 需要在标题中放入一个安全块。我尝试做原始关联数组数据,但如果我正确注入标题部分,我不确定 100%。使用 WSDLInterpreter,它提取了一个带有 ProcessRate 方法的 RateService 类,除了它自己的(实例)数据结构用于 RateRequest 和 UPSSecurity 部分,但以上所有内容都会产生相同的错误。


require_once "Shipping/UPS/RateService.php"; // WSDLInterpreter class library

class Query

    // constants removed for stackoverflow that define (proprietary) security items
    private $_upss;
    private $_shpr;

    // use Interpreter code's RateRequest class to send with ProcessRate
    public function soapRateRequest(RateRequest $req, UPSSecurity $upss = null)
        $res = false;
        if (!isset($upss)) {
            $upss = $this->__getUPSS();
        echo "SECURITY:\n" . var_export($upss, 1) . "\n";
        $upsrs = new RateService(self::UPS_WSDL);
        try {
            $res = $upsrs->ProcessRate($req, $upss);
        } catch (SoapFault $exception) {
            echo 'EXCEPTION=' . var_export($exception, 1) . "\n";
        return $res;

    // create a soap data structure to send to web service from shipment
    public function getRequestSoap(Shipment $shpmnt)
        $qs = new RateRequest();
        // pickup information
        $qs->PickupType->Code = '01';
        $qs->Shipment->Shipper = $this->__getAcctInfo();
        // Ship To address
        $qs->Shipment->ShipTo->Address->AddressLine = $this->__getAddressArray($shpmnt->destAddress->address1, $shpmnt->destAddress->address2);
        $qs->Shipment->ShipTo->Address->City = $shpmnt->destAddress->city;
        $qs->Shipment->ShipTo->Address->StateProvinceCode = $shpmnt->destAddress->state;
        $qs->Shipment->ShipTo->Address->PostalCode = $shpmnt->destAddress->zip;
        $qs->Shipment->ShipTo->Address->CountryCode = $shpmnt->destAddress->country;
        $qs->Shipment->ShipTo->Name = $shpmnt->destAddress->name;
        // Ship From address
        $qs->Shipment->ShipFrom->Address->AddressLine = $this->__getAddressArray($shpmnt->origAddress->address1, $shpmnt->origAddress->address2);
        $qs->Shipment->ShipFrom->Address->City = $shpmnt->origAddress->city;
        $qs->Shipment->ShipFrom->Address->StateProvinceCode = $shpmnt->origAddress->state;
        $qs->Shipment->ShipFrom->Address->PostalCode = $shpmnt->origAddress->zip;
        $qs->Shipment->ShipFrom->Address->CountryCode = $shpmnt->origAddress->country;
        $qs->Shipment->ShipFrom->Name = $shpmnt->origAddress->name;
        // Service type
        // TODO cycle through available services
        $qs->Shipment->Service->Code = "03";
        $qs->Shipment->Service->Description = "UPS Ground";
        // Package information
        $pkg = new PackageType();
        $pkg->PackagingType->Code = "02";
        $pkg->PackagingType->Description = "Package/customer supplied";
        //   dimensions
        $pkg->Dimensions->UnitOfMeasurement->Code = $shpmnt->dimensions->dimensionsUnit;
        $pkg->Dimensions->Length = $shpmnt->dimensions->length;
        $pkg->Dimensions->Width = $shpmnt->dimensions->width;
        $pkg->Dimensions->Height = $shpmnt->dimensions->height;

        $pkg->PackageServiceOptions->DeclaredValue->CurrencyCode = "USD";
        $pkg->PackageServiceOptions->DeclaredValue->MonetaryValue = $shpmnt->dimensions->value;

        $pkg->PackageServiceOptions->DeclaredValue->CurrencyCode = "USD";
        $pkg->PackageWeight->UnitOfMeasurement = $this->__getWeightUnit($shpmnt->dimensions->weightUnit);
        $pkg->PackageWeight->Weight = $shpmnt->dimensions->weight;
        $qs->Shipment->Package = $pkg;
        $qs->CustomerClassification->Code = 123456;
        $qs->CustomerClassification->Description = "test_rate_request";
        return $qs;

    // fill out and return a UPSSecurity data structure
    private function __getUPSS()
        if (!isset($this->_upss)) {
            $unmt = new UsernameToken();
            $unmt->Username = self::UPSS_USERNAME;
            $unmt->Password = self::UPSS_PASSWORD;
            $sat = new ServiceAccessToken();
            $sat->AccessLicenseNumber = self::UPSS_ACCESS_LICENSE_NUMBER;
            $upss = new UPSSecurity();
            $upss->UsernameToken = $unmt;
            $upss->ServiceAccessToken = $sat;
            $this->_upss = $upss;
        return $this->_upss;

    // get our shipper/account info (some items blanked for stackoverflow)
    private function __getAcctInfo()
        if (!isset($this->_shpr)) {
            $shpr = new ShipperType();
            $shpr->Address->AddressLine = array(
                "STREET ADDRESS"
            $shpr->Address->City = "CITY";
            $shpr->Address->StateProvinceCode = "MI";
            $shpr->Address->PostalCode = "ZIPCODE";
            $shpr->Address->CountryCode = "US";

            $shpr = new ShipperType();
            $shpr->Name = "COMPANY NAME";
            $shpr->ShipperNumber = self::UPS_ACCOUNT_NUMBER;
            $shpr->Address = $addr;

            $this->_shpr = $shpr;

        return $this->_shpr;

    private function __getAddressArray($adr1, $adr2 = null)
        if (isset($adr2) && $adr2 !== '') {
            return array($adr1, $adr2);
        } else {
            return array($adr1);


它甚至似乎还没有达到通过 Soap 发送任何东西的地步,所以我假设它由于与 WSDL 信息不匹配的东西而死亡。(请记住,我尝试使用相同的 WSDL 文件将正确播种的键/值详细信息数组发送到手动创建的 SoapClient 并产生相同的错误)如果有错误让我知道什么就好了关于“客户数据”是个问题。这个 PHP 肥皂实现并没有给我留下深刻印象!


1 回答 1


我知道这个答案可能为时已晚,但无论如何我都会提供一些反馈。为了制作自定义 SOAP Header,您必须重写 SoapHeader 类。

 * Auth Class to extend SOAP Header for WSSE Security
 * Usage:
 * $header = new upsAuthHeader($user, $password);
 * $client = new SoapClient('{...}', array("trace" => 1, "exception" => 0));
 * $client->__setSoapHeaders(array($header));

class upsAuthHeader extends SoapHeader
    function __construct($user, $password)

        // Using SoapVar to set the attributes has proven nearly impossible; no WSDL.
        // It might be accomplished with a combined SoapVar and stdClass() approach.

        // Security Header - as a combined XSD_ANYXML SoapVar
        // This method is much easier to define all of the custom SoapVars with attributes.
        $security = '<ns2:Security xmlns:ns2="'.$this->wsse.'">'. // soapenv:mustUnderstand="1" 
                        '<ns2:UsernameToken ns3:Id="UsernameToken-49" xmlns:ns3="'.$this->wsu.'">'.
                            '<ns2:Password Type="'.$this->password_type.'">'.htmlspecialchars($password).'</ns2:Password>'.
        $security_sv = new SoapVar($security, XSD_ANYXML);
        parent::__construct($this->wsse, 'Security', $security_sv, false);




$client = new SoapClient($this->your_ups_wsdl,
    array('trace' => true,
        'exceptions' => true,
        'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1
// Auth Header - Security Header
$header = new upsAuthHeader($user, $password);
// Set Header
于 2011-09-18T15:13:16.080 回答