i have already setup tileserver-gl-light to work with my nw.js program i need to change it to tileserver-gl because the light version dose not work with the raster data only vector any idea how to do that ?
fs = require('fs');
path = require('path');
//var home_dir = require('os').homedir();
var home_dir = "";
var current_dir = "";
if( process.platform == "darwin"){
home_dir = path.join(window.nw.App.dataPath,"../..")
current_dir = path.join(process.cwd(),"../..")
} else {
home_dir = path.join(window.nw.App.dataPath,"../../..")
current_dir = process.cwd()
var mbtiles_dir=path.join(home_dir,"nwjsmaps");
if (!fs.existsSync(mbtiles_dir)){
var startServer = function(configPath, config,opts) {
return require('tileserver-gl-light/src/server')({
configPath: configPath,
config: config,
bind: opts.bind,
port: opts.port,
cors: opts.cors
}; ```