我正在尝试为 Android 编程 Mandelbrot 集。我试着把它画在画布上。它有效,但我想要一个颜色渐变。这是我的代码:

package de.turbofractal;

import android.app.AlertDialog;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.view.View;

public class FractalView extends View {
   private int n,g,xMax,yMax;
   private float zr,zrh,zr0,zi,zi0,ar,br,ai,bi;
   private int[][] Iterationen = new int[2560][1440];
   private Paint paint;

   public FractalView(Context context) {
      paint = new Paint();
      ar=-2; br=2; ai=-2; bi=2;

   protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
       g = 20;
       for(int xx = 1; xx <= xMax; xx++) {
           for(int yy = 1; yy <= yMax; yy++) {
               n = 1;
               zr0 = zr;
               zi0 = zi;
               while ((n<g) && (zr*zr+zi*zi<4)) {
                   zrh = zr;
                   zr = (zr*zr)-zi*zi+zr0;
                   zi = zrh*zi+zi*zrh+zi0;
               paint.setARGB(255,0,0,Math.round((n/g)*255));  //<--------------------this is where the color gradient should be created. But the programm only draws full blue (0,0,255). Why is that?
               canvas.drawPoint(xx, yy, paint);            


   private void schirmzupap(float ax,float bx,float ay,float by,int xschirm,int yschirm,int w,int h) {
       zr = xschirm*(bx-ax)/w+ax;
       zi = yschirm*(ay-by)/h+by;

   public void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldW, int oldH) {
      xMax = w-1;
      yMax = h-1;

编辑:这是 Eclipse 模拟器的绘制方式:http: //i53.tinypic.com/2mwfs7c.png

但我希望它像这样绘制(用 Delphi 编程):http: //i53.tinypic.com/ehg2et.png


1 回答 1


的参数setARGBalpha、red、green 和blue - 您只为 alpha 和 blue 参数提供值。

b参数内部,ng都是整数参数,所以当你将它们相除时,你会得到一个整数结果,而不是一个双精度数。(请参阅“ Java 整数除法,如何产生双精度数? ”)这意味着您只能得到结果的整数部分,这不是您想要的。施放ng加倍,它应该可以工作。

于 2011-07-27T18:03:04.847 回答