我如何将文本转换为矩阵,就像 python 开发人员使用张量流文本预处理将文本转换为矩阵一样。


它是如何在 python (tfidf) 中完成的 来源:text_to_matrix

def texts_to_matrix(self, texts, mode='binary'):
    """Convert a list of texts to a Numpy matrix.
    # Arguments
        texts: list of strings.
        mode: one of "binary", "count", "tfidf", "freq".
    # Returns
        A Numpy matrix.
    sequences = self.texts_to_sequences(texts)
    return self.sequences_to_matrix(sequences, mode=mode)

def sequences_to_matrix(self, sequences, mode='binary'):
    """Converts a list of sequences into a Numpy matrix.
    # Arguments
        sequences: list of sequences
            (a sequence is a list of integer word indices).
        mode: one of "binary", "count", "tfidf", "freq"
    # Returns
        A Numpy matrix.
    # Raises
        ValueError: In case of invalid `mode` argument,
            or if the Tokenizer requires to be fit to sample data.
    if not self.num_words:
        if self.word_index:
            num_words = len(self.word_index) + 1
            raise ValueError('Specify a dimension (`num_words` argument), '
                             'or fit on some text data first.')
        num_words = self.num_words

    if mode == 'tfidf' and not self.document_count:
        raise ValueError('Fit the Tokenizer on some data '
                         'before using tfidf mode.')

    x = np.zeros((len(sequences), num_words))
    for i, seq in enumerate(sequences):
        if not seq:
        counts = defaultdict(int)
        for j in seq:
            if j >= num_words:
            counts[j] += 1
        for j, c in list(counts.items()):
            if mode == 'count':
                x[i][j] = c
            elif mode == 'freq':
                x[i][j] = c / len(seq)
            elif mode == 'binary':
                x[i][j] = 1
            elif mode == 'tfidf':
                # Use weighting scheme 2 in
                # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tf%E2%80%93idf
                tf = 1 + np.log(c)
                idf = np.log(1 + self.document_count /
                             (1 + self.index_docs.get(j, 0)))
                x[i][j] = tf * idf
                raise ValueError('Unknown vectorization mode:', mode)
    return x

1 回答 1


WinkNLP有一个BM25 Vectorizer,可以将文本转换为矩阵。可以在Runkit中查看示例。

于 2021-07-24T12:55:38.057 回答