我想最初将数据呈现给 Grid.JS,然后我的页面可能会获取其他数据并添加其他行或填充某些行中缺少的数据。我不确定在渲染一次后写入 Grid.JS 的语法是什么。我的想法是我必须重新渲染整个表格,这是我在下面尝试的,但出现错误。
new gridjs.Grid({
columns: ["Name", "Email", "Phone Number"],
data: [["Mark", "mark@gmail.com", "(01) 22 888 4444"],["Eoin", "eoin@gmail.com", "0097 22 654 00033"],["Sarah", "sarahcdd@gmail.com", "+322 876 1233"],["Afshin", "afshin@mail.com", "(353) 22 87 8356"]]}).render(document.getElementById("gridjs"));
new gridjs.Grid({
columns: ["Test", "Email", "Phone Number"],
data: [["test", "test@example.com", "(353) 01 222 3333"],["Mark", "mark@gmail.com", "(01) 22 888 4444"],["Eoin", "eoin@gmail.com", "0097 22 654 00033"],["Sarah", "sarahcdd@gmail.com", "+322 876 1233"],["Afshin", "afshin@mail.com", "(353) 22 87 8356"]]}).render(document.getElementById("gridjs"));
[Grid.js] [ERROR]: The container element [object HTMLDivElement] is not empty. Make sure the container is empty and call render() again