prop 不适用于 Select 组件,并且 testing-library 找不到该元素。我不能在 Select 呈现的文本元素上使用fireEvent,因为会引发错误:
Unable to find node on an unmounted component.
那么使用 Select 组件测试表单的正确方法是什么?
import React from 'react'
import {fireEvent, render, waitFor} from '@tests/test-utils'
import PSEForm from './PSEForm' // Form with input and select elements
test('Render a form with financial institution selector, legal id type selector, legal id number input and submit button', async () => {
const onSubmitMock = jest.fn()
const {getByTestId, getByText, debug} = render(
<PSEForm onSubmit={onSubmitMock} />,
// get form inputs
const finantialInstitutionSelect = getByText(/selecciona tu banco/i) // press component
const legalIdSelect = getByText(/escoge un tipo de documento/i) // press component
const documentNumberInput = getByTestId('pse.textfield.legal-id') // input component
const buttonSubmit = getByText(/pagar/i) // button component
// fill the form and submit it
fireEvent.press(legalIdSelect) // this thrwon an error
So what would be the correct way to test a form with Select component?
包裹 | 版本 |
@eva设计/eva | 2.1.0 |
@ui-kitten/组件 | 5.1.0 |