我正在尝试找出一种方法来完成这项工作。最初,我拥有的是一个使用 Mollie 的综合支付服务提供商。每当有人购买东西时,都会调用多个函数。
axios.post('/api/molliepayment', { products, totalPrice, paymentMethod, isSingleProduct }).then(response => {
window.open.location.href = response.data.data._links.checkout.href;
}).catch(() => {});
我一直在使用 Mollie 的方式是在我的控制器中创建付款并将付款作为 json 响应返回给 Vue 视图:
$payment = Mollie::api()->payments()->create([
'amount' => [
'currency' => 'EUR', // Type of currency you want to send
'value' => $totalPrice, // You must send the correct number of decimals, thus we enforce the use of strings
'method' => $method,
'description' => "Beschrijving",
'webhookUrl' => route('webhooks.mollie'),
'redirectUrl' => route('payment.success', ['is_singular' => $request->get('isSingleProduct') ? $request->get('isSingleProduct') : 0]),
"metadata" => [
"products" => $products,
"user_id" => Auth::id(),
"user" => Auth::user(),
"totalPrice" => $totalPrice,
$payment = Mollie::api()->payments()->get($payment->id);
现在 webhook 在窗口打开时被调用:
public function webhook(Request $request) {
if (! $request->has('id')) {
$payment = Mollie::api()->payments()->get($request->id);
//Log::info('Test '.$payment->metadata->order_id);
if ($payment->isPaid() && !$payment->hasRefunds() && !$payment->hasChargebacks()) {
* The payment is paid and isn't refunded or charged back.
* At this point you'd probably want to start the process of delivering the product to the customer.
} elseif ($payment->isOpen()) {
* The payment is open.
} elseif ($payment->isPending()) {
* The payment is pending.
} elseif ($payment->isFailed()) {
* The payment has failed.
} elseif ($payment->isExpired()) {
* The payment is expired.
} elseif ($payment->isCanceled()) {
* The payment has been canceled.
} elseif ($payment->hasRefunds()) {
* The payment has been (partially) refunded.
* The status of the payment is still "paid"
$statusOfPayment='partially refunded';
} elseif ($payment->hasChargebacks()) {
* The payment has been (partially) charged back.
* The status of the payment is still "paid"
$statusOfPayment='partially charged back';
$order = Order::create([
'user_id' => $payment->metadata->user_id,
'address_id' => 1,
'order_status' => $statusOfPayment,
'total_price' => $payment->metadata->totalPrice,
'is_delivered' => 0,
// Log::info($payment->metadata->products);
// $order_details = $order->order_details()->create([
// 'quantity' => '1',
// 'totalPrice' => '8000',
// ]);
foreach($payment->metadata->products as $product) {
// Log::info($product->id);
$order_details = $order->order_details()->create([
'product_id' => $product->id,
'quantity' => $product->quantity,
'total_price' => $product->price * $product->quantity,
$productUnits = Product::find($product->id);
$productUnits->decrement('units', $product->quantity);
Mail::to($payment->metadata->user->email)->send(new OrderCreatedMail($order));
public function paymentSuccess(Request $request, $id) {
//Hier de bestelling afronden en de status op betaald zetten.
//$payment = Mollie::api()->payments->get($request->id);
// if (! $request->has('id')) {
// return;
// }
// $payment = Mollie::api()->payments()->get($request->id);
// if ( $payment->metadata->isSingleProduct == true ) {
// return redirect()->to('/dashboard/orders');
// } else {
// return redirect()->to('/dashboard/orders?success=1');
// }
if ( $id == 0 ) {
return redirect()->to('/dashboard/orders?clear_cart=1');
} else {
return redirect()->to('/dashboard/orders');
因为我正在为我的前端和 Laravel 创建一个 SPA 应用程序,所以我想尝试等待 paymentSuccess 函数的响应并将其返回到 Vue 视图,而不是使用路由器将用户重定向到视图帮手。现在,我不太确定如何做到这一点。