public class Map
public MapPoint[,] mapPoints; //the map
public Player player; //the player/user object
public Vector2 DrawHeroPosition;
//where at the screen the player is going to be drawn
public Vector2 RangeStart;
//what part of the map who is going to be drawn
public int SizeX; //number of mapPoints the screen can contain at one time
public int SizeY; //number of mapPoints the screen can contain at one time
//MapPoint represents a specific 512x512 point (mapPoint) its position at
//the map but also includes the sprite that is going to be drawn and objects
//that the player can interact with at that place (like the door)
//the player object includes reference to where in the world it is place
public Map(ContentManager theContentManager, int x, int y)
MapSizeX = x;
MapSizeY = y;
int ScreenSizeX = 9;
int ScreenSizeY = 9;
mapPoints = new MapPoint[MapSizeX , MapSizeY];
//ad code for generating/creating map...
//important that you store the MapPoints position inside each mapPoint
player = new Player(mapPoints[0,0]); //crate a player who knows where he is
public void Update()
//in the update method you do a lot of things like movement and so
//set what part of the map the game should draw if the game for example
//can show 9x9 512points at a single time
//give range value from the players position
RangeStart.X = player.PositionX;
//test if the maps position is in the left corner of the map
//if it is draw the map from the start..(RangeStart.X = 0)
if (player.PositionX - (ScreenSizeX / 2) < 0) { RangeStart.X = 0; }
//if not draw the hero in the mitle of the screen
RangeStart.X = player.PositionX - (ScreenSizeX / 2);
//if the hero is in the right corer, fix his position
while (RangeStart.X + ScreenSizeX > MapSizeX)
//the same thing for the Y axle
RangeStart.Y = player.PositionY;
if (player.PositionY - (ScreenSizeY / 2) < 0) { RangeStart.Y = 0; }
RangeStart.Y = player.PositionY - (ScreenSizeY / 2);
while (RangeStart.Y + ScreenSizeY > MapSizeY)
//time to set the position of the hero...
//he works like the opposite of the range, if you move what part of the map
//you draw you dont change the heros draw position, if you dont move the range
//you have to move the hero to create the illusion of "moment"
//if you are in the left part you have to move the heros draw position..
if (player.PositionX - (ScreenSizeX / 2) < 0)
{ DrawHeroPosition.X = player.PositionX; }
//if you are in the right part
else if (player.PositionX+1 > MapSizeX - (ScreenSizeX / 2))
DrawHeroPosition.X = player.PositionX - (MapSizeX - ScreenSizeX);
//if you aint in a corner, just place the hero in the middle of the map
DrawHeroPosition.X = (ScreenSizeX / 2);
//the same thing for Y
if (player.PositionY - (ScreenSizeY / 2) < 0)
{ DrawHeroPosition.Y = player.PositionY; }
else if (player.PositionY+1 > MapSizeY - (ScreenSizeY / 2))
DrawHeroPosition.Y = player.PositionY - (MapSizeY - ScreenSizeY);
DrawHeroPosition.Y = (ScreenSizeY / 2);
public void Draw()
int x = (int)RangeStart.X;
int y = (int)RangeStart.Y;
for(int counterX = 0; x < ((MapSizeX)); x++, counterX++)
for (int counterY = 0; y < (MapSizeY); y++, counterY++)
if (mapPoints[x, y] != null)
mapPoints[x, y].Draw(spriteBatch, mapPoints[counterX,counterY].positonInMatrix);
//mapPoints[counterX,counterY] = where to draw
//mapPoints[x, y] = what to draw
y = (int)RangeStart.Y;
我如何在 MapPoint 类中绘制...
public void Draw(SpriteBatch theSpriteBatch, Vector2 positonOnScreen)
positonOnScreen = new Vector2(positonOnScreen.X * base.Scale * 16,
positonOnScreen.Y * base.Scale * 16);
//base.Scale is just a variable for have the ability to zoom in/out
//16 represents the original size of the picture (16x16 pixels)
theSpriteBatch.Draw(mSpriteTexture, new Rectangle((int)positonOnScreen.X,
(int)(positonOnScreen.Y), 64, 64),new Rectangle(0, 0, 16, 16), Color.White);