我正在尝试在 Raspberry 上制作车道保持算法并使用 Python 和 OpenCV。我使用以下管道 Image(RGB)(resolution 320x240) -> Image (Gray) -> Region Growing algorithm -> Canny Edges -> Cropping the ROI -> HoughLinesP -> 根据线条的斜率计算转向角。
我最近刚刚将区域增长算法添加到管道中,从那时起,单个图像的处理时间上升到 4 秒,汽车只是等待指令并且看起来非常糟糕的时间让汽车变得滞后。但是将算法添加到管道中会使汽车做出正确的决定,因此我无法删除它。
def get_gray_diff(self, img, currentPoint, tmpPoint):
aux1 = int(img[currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y])
aux2 = int(img[tmpPoint.x, tmpPoint.y])
aux3 = abs(aux1 - aux2)
return aux3
def select_connects(self, p):
if p != 0:
connects = [Point(-1, -1), Point(0, -1), Point(1, -1), Point(1, 0), Point(1, 1),
Point(0, 1), Point(-1, 1), Point(-1, 0)]
connects = [Point(0, -1), Point(1, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(-1, 0)]
return connects
def region_grow(self, frame):
seeds = [Point(230, 160)]
thresh = 6
p = 1
height, weight = frame.shape
seedMark = np.zeros(frame.shape)
seedList = []
for seed in seeds:
label = 1
connects = self.select_connects(p)
while len(seedList)>0:
currentPoint = seedList.pop(0)
seedMark[currentPoint.x, currentPoint.y] = label
for i in range(8):
tmpX = currentPoint.x + connects[i].x
tmpY = currentPoint.y + connects[i].y
if tmpX < 0 or tmpY < 0 or tmpX >= height or tmpY >= weight:
grayDiff = self.get_gray_diff(frame, currentPoint, Point(tmpX, tmpY))
if grayDiff < thresh and seedMark[tmpX, tmpY] == 0:
seedMark[tmpX, tmpY] = label
seedList.append(Point(tmpX, tmpY))
return seedMark