当我偶然遇到这个问题时,我正在浏览样本 CN QnAs。
Consider a sliding window flow control protocol between hosts A and B.
Suppose the link propagation delay is 1 time unit, the retransmission timeout is 3 time units, and the window size is 3.
Assume the link drops every third data packet, i.e., the link drops the 1st, 4th, 7th, .... data packets. (Note that here "kth packet" means the kth packet transmitted on the link, and not the sequence number of the packet.) How long does it take to transmit 6 packets between A and B?
由于窗口大小大于 1 且为奇数,因此所引用的协议必须是 Go-Back-N 协议,而不是 Selective Repeat。
在确定要丢弃哪些帧时,我是否也考虑了 ACK 帧?此外,正如 Forouzan 中所给出的,在任何时刻最多有一个计时器(用于第一个未完成的帧)正在运行。如果有人帮助我解决这个问题,我将不胜感激。另外,有人可以在下面留下类似问题的链接吗?