好吧,不完全是 5 岁的孩子,但如果可能的话,请避免流行语和企业用语。



6 回答 6


@Marnix 有一个很好的答案,但要远离它的技术方面:


有些人可能会嘲笑只在一张纸上写下你的生日的想法,但当你在应用程序本身内验证用户时就会发生这种情况,因为这取决于调酒师(或你的应用程序)来信任这张纸. 但是,我们相信政府的说法,即身份证上的生日是有效的,身份证是给请求喝酒的人的。出于所有意图和目的,调酒师(或应用程序)并不真正关心身份验证是如何发生的,因为信任。除了您的出生日期,调酒师对您一无所知,因为这就是调酒师需要知道的全部内容。现在,调酒师可以存储他们认为对他们很重要的信息,比如你最喜欢的饮料,但政府不在乎(因为它不是权威来源),


于 2011-07-27T16:46:32.423 回答


基于声明的身份/身份验证/授权是通过将身份验证/授权转换为单独的 (Web) 服务来将用户授权的维护和用户登录从 (Web) 应用程序中分离出来。

例如,当我第一次浏览启用声明的 Web 应用程序时,它会将我的浏览器重定向到它信任的“登录服务”。我将对该服务进行身份验证(使用 Windows 身份验证、智能卡或其他),作为响应,它会发回一个“令牌”,浏览器会将其发回给 Web 应用程序。现在,Web 应用程序检查令牌是否由其受信任的登录服务进行数字签名,然后查看令牌中的“声明”。纯粹基于这些声明,应用程序决定为用户提供什么功能。

声明几乎总是包含用户的身份,通常还有与授权相关的声明(“此用户可以查看销售数据,但不更新它”),有时还包含其他信息(“鞋码 = 42”)。


(是的,我假设这里是一个非常聪明和消息灵通的 5 岁孩子。:-)

于 2011-07-23T19:59:25.757 回答

以下真实世界示例取自基于声明的身份和访问控制指南(第 2 版)

一个非常熟悉的类比是您每次访问机场时遵循的身份验证协议。您不能简单地走到门口并出示您的护照或驾驶执照。相反,您必须先在售票处办理登机手续。在这里,您提供任何有意义的凭证。如果你出国,你需要出示你的护照。对于国内航班,您需要出示您的驾驶执照。在验证您的照片 ID 与您的面部匹配后(身份验证),代理会查找您的航班并验证您是否已支付机票费用(授权)。假设一切正常,您会收到一张登机牌,然后带到登机口。






于 2015-01-13T03:03:03.067 回答

对于一个 5 岁的男孩,让他假设他通过父母签署的申请表加入了新学校。在学校管理层批准他的申请后,他会得到一张门禁卡,其中包含以下所有信息,我们可以称之为 CLAIMS 进入学校。

  1. 男孩的名字是鲍勃。
  2. 学校名称是蒙蒂索里高中
  3. 班级是 8 年级


到达他的班级后,他使用门禁卡进入每个班级,但在 8th Standard Class 门打开了,因为他声称来自 8th Standard。

在学校,他只被授权进入他的班级,因为他现在正在学习 8th Standard。如果他尝试进入第六标准,学校老师不会授权他。

于 2013-07-30T10:18:25.360 回答

As non-technical as possible:

If you were to describe anything about who you are and what you were allowed to see or do, each of those things would be something that you were "claiming" to be true, and thus each "thing" on that list would be a "claim".

Anytime you tell someone something about yourself or "claim" that you're allowed to see or do something, you hand them your list of claims. They will verify with an authority that your claims are true and if they are, they'll believe anything on that list of claims. So if you claim that you're Brad Pitt, your list of claims says that you're Brad Pitt, and it was verified with the authority that your claims are all true -- then they will believe that you're Brad Pitt along with anything else in that list.

Claim: what you claim to be true. This can be a piece of information or a description of a permission you're claiming to have. The system to which you present your claims only need to understand what the claim is/means and also be able to verify with the authority.

Authority: The system that puts your list of claims together and signs it which basically says "On my authority, everything in this list is true." So long as the system reading the claims can verify with the authority that the signature is correct, then everything in the list of claims will be considered authentic and true.

Also, let's not call it "claims based authentication", instead let's call it "claims based identity".

Slightly more technical:

So now in this process, you authenticate using some sort of mechanism (username/password, client secret, certificate, etc.) and that gives you a token that proves you are who you say you are. Then, you trade that access token for an ID token. That process will use your identity to find and build a list of claims, sign it and then hand you back an ID token that has all of your claims.

As the authorization step, depending on how it is implemented, the resource will look at your ID token (claims) and then check if you have the necessary claims to access that resource.

So for example, if the resource "CastleBlack/CommandersTower" says that "you have to have access to castle black and be lord commander, then it's going to look at your list of claims to see if both of those things are true.

As you see, "claims" can be anything. It can be a role, it can be a fact, it can be a flag. It's just a list of key-value pairs and the "value" is optional. Sometimes it's just about seeing if the claim exists:

claims : [
    {"type": "name", "value": "Jon Snow"},
    {"type": "home", "value": "Winterfell, The North, Westeros"},   
    {"type": "email", "value": "jon@nightswatch-veterans.org"},
    {"type": "role", "value": "veteran;deserter;"},
    {"type": "department", "value": "none"},    
    {"type": "allowEntry", "value": "true"},
    {"type": "access", "value": "castleblack;eastwatch;"}

So if Jon logged in and tries to access the resource described above, he would be denied because, while he is who he says he is and he does have access to castle black, he is no longer lord commander nor does he have explicit access to the commander's tower, and thus cannot implicitly enter the lord commander's tower.

More specifically, "CastleBlack" would probably be a [larger] scope, and each area would be a specific permission, but that's a different discussion.

How each application deals with access is going to be different, but it will use claims to do it.

于 2017-04-18T02:04:16.580 回答




继续打个比方,夜店可能有会员制,某些会员可能是普通会员,也可能是VIP。门卫可能会要求另一个象征物,即会员卡,这可能会提出另一个要求;该会员是VIP。在这种情况下,代币的可信发行机构可能是俱乐部本身。如果会员卡声称顾客是 VIP,那么俱乐部可以做出相应的反应,将经过验证的 VIP 会员资格声明转化为许可,例如允许顾客坐在专属休息区并获得免费饮料。”

于 2014-05-19T17:07:01.980 回答