我正在使用 GHDL 学习 VHDL。我从这里关注 GHDL 教程:https ://ghdl.github.io/ghdl/quick_start/simulation/DLXModelSuite.html


ghdl -r --workdir=work dlx_test_behaviour


dlx_test_behaviour.vhdl:34:3: architecture "bench" of "dlx_test" is obsoleted by package "dlx_types"
  for bench
dlx_test_behaviour.vhdl:42:23: entity "memory" is obsoleted by package "mem_types"
      use entity work.memory(behaviour)
dlx_test_behaviour.vhdl:48:23: entity "dlx_bus_monitor" is obsoleted by package "dlx_types"
      use entity work.dlx_bus_monitor(behaviour)
dlx_test_behaviour.vhdl:53:23: entity "dlx" is obsoleted by package "dlx_types"
      use entity work.dlx(behaviour)
*command line*:1:1: configuration "dlx_test_behaviour" is obsoleted by entity "memory"

*command line*:1:1: configuration "dlx_test_behaviour" is obsoleted by architecture "bench" of "dlx_test"

dlx_types.vhdl:32:9: package body "dlx_types" is outdated
package dlx_types is
bv_arithmetic.vhdl:41:9: package body "bv_arithmetic" is outdated
package bv_arithmetic is
images.vhdl:36:9: package body "images" is outdated
package images is
dlx_bus_monitor-behaviour.vhdl:33:10: package "dlx_instr" is obsoleted by package "dlx_types"
dlx_test_behaviour.vhdl:48:11: architecture "behaviour" of "dlx_bus_monitor" is obsoleted by package "dlx_instr"
      use entity work.dlx_bus_monitor(behaviour)
dlx_test_behaviour.vhdl:48:11: architecture "behaviour" of "dlx_bus_monitor" is obsoleted by package "dlx_instr"
      use entity work.dlx_bus_monitor(behaviour)
dlx_bus_monitor-behaviour.vhdl:37:14: architecture "behaviour" of "dlx_bus_monitor" is obsoleted by package "dlx_instr"
architecture behaviour of dlx_bus_monitor is
dlx_instr.vhdl:32:1: package body "dlx_instr" is obsoleted by package "dlx_instr"
use std.textio.line,
dlx_test_behaviour.vhdl:53:11: architecture "behaviour" of "dlx" is obsoleted by package "dlx_instr"
      use entity work.dlx(behaviour)
dlx_test_behaviour.vhdl:53:11: architecture "behaviour" of "dlx" is obsoleted by package "dlx_instr"
      use entity work.dlx(behaviour)
dlx-behaviour.vhdl:37:14: architecture "behaviour" of "dlx" is obsoleted by package "dlx_instr"
architecture behaviour of dlx is



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