我正在创建一个 Alu,这是我的代码。

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity alu is port (
    entrada: in std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
    S: in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
    load : in std_logic;
    O: out std_logic_vector(12 downto 0)
end alu;

architecture arc_alu12 of alu is 
    component sumador12bits 
        port (a, b: in std_logic_vector(11 downto 0); c: out std_logic_vector(12 downto 0));
    end component;
    signal sa, sb, A, aux: std_logic_vector(11 downto 0):="000000000000";
    signal sr: std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);

    guarda_registro: process (load) begin
        if load = '1' then
            A <= entrada;
        end if;
    end process;
    sss: sumador12bits port map(sa, sb, sr);
    selector: process(S) begin
        case S is
            when "0000" =>
                sa <= "0000"&A(7 downto 0);
                sb <= "0000"&entrada(7 downto 0);
            when "0001" => 
                sa <= "0000"&A(7 downto 0);
                aux <= "0000"&entrada(7 downto 0);
                sb<= (not aux)+1;
            when "0010" =>
                sa <= A;
                sb <= "000000000001";
            when "0011" =>
                sa <= A;
                sb <= "111111111111";
            when "0100" =>
                sa <= entrada;
                sb <= "000000000001";
            when "0101" =>
                sa <= entrada;
                sb <= "111111111111";
            when "0110" =>
                sa <= A;
                sb <= entrada;
            when "0111" => 
                sb<= (not entrada)+1; 
            when "1000" =>
                sr <= '0'&(A and entrada);
            when "1001" =>
                sr <= '0'&(A or entrada);
            when "1010" =>
                sr <= '0'&(A xor entrada);
            when "1011" => 
                sr <= '1'&not A;
            when "1100" =>
                sa <= not A;
                sb <= "000000000001";
            when others => sr<= "0000000000000";
        end case;
    end process;
    O <= sr;

end arc_alu12;


@A: BN321 |在网络 O[0] 上找到多个驱动程序(在视图中:work.alu(arc_alu12));如果一个驱动器是常数(真或假),请使用 Resolve Mixed Drivers 选项将网络连接到 VCC 或 GND。

连接1:方向是(输出)pin:s inst:sss.FA1.ss1 of work.semisumador(syn_black_box)

连接 2:方向为(输出) pin:Q[0] inst:selector.sr[0] of PrimLib.latr(prim)

错误 - BN314 :"e:\lscc\diamond\3.12\bin\nt64\alucode.vhd":6:7:6:9|Net O[0] (in view: work.alu(arc_alu12)) 有多个驱动程序


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