我希望我的程序允许用户上传 CSV 文件并让它更新数据库中的相关表。
我已经成功设置了上传部分,但我无法弄清楚如何解析 CSV 以允许插入查询。
router.post("/upload", async (req, res, next) => {
try {
// My plan:
// Parse uploaded csv file into an array of arrays
// Read csv through fs
// Parse data with csv-parse
// Insert array into postgres db using knex
const inputPath; // I can access the csv file in req.files.myFile, but it looks like fs.readFile needs a file path, rather than the file itself?
const tableName = req.files.myFile.name.split(".")[0];
// I think it might be something like this?
// But I also feel like I should be able to directly parse the csv file?
let data = await fs.readFile(inputPath, (err, fileData) => {
parse(fileData, { columns: false, trim: true }, (err, rows) => {
return rows;
await insertData(data, tableName);
await res.send("table updated!");
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error:", error);