我有一个 fbx 角色。当我在 Unity 中导入它时,我有这个结果 在此处输入图像描述

而当我在 Blender 中导入相同的文件时,我得到了这个结果。


在第二张图片中,有很多多边形,我不明白为什么,因为文件与 Unity 相同。如何在 Blender 中获得与 Unity 相同的结果?谢谢你。


1 回答 1


I've encountered this before, my easiest fix is to recreate the materials on the model in Blender, unassign the existing materials, and apply your new materials. You could also go to the existing materials' properties and find any anomalies, but that takes some time, and I haven't done that.

I wish I could explain exactly why this is happening, but I don't really know, sorry. If anyone does have an explanation, I'll be glad to edit it into the answer.

于 2021-05-17T15:06:11.140 回答