为了获得药物的“副作用” - 修改了默认的 piper 文件并将 PSESentenceAnnotator 添加到我的 PiperFile
// 使用 UMLS 查找创建默认纯文本文档处理管道的命令和参数
// Load a simple token processing pipeline from another pipeline file
load DefaultTokenizerPipeline.piper
// Add non-core annotators
add ContextDependentTokenizerAnnotator
addDescription POSTagger
// Add Chunkers
load ChunkerSubPipe.piper
// Default fast dictionary lookup
add DefaultJCasTermAnnotator
// Add Cleartk Entity Attribute annotators
load AttributeCleartkSubPipe.piper
// Add Named Entity Context Entity Attribute annotators
load NeContextsSubPipe.piper
//This is Additional Annotator - that I added : but failed
add org.apache.ctakes.sideeffect.ae.PSESentenceAnnotator
ERROR PiperFileRunner - Initialization of annotator class "org.apache.ctakes.sideeffect.ae.PSESentenceAnnotator" failed. (Descriptor: <unknown>)