在代码中取自:https ://tutorials.sciml.ai/html/models/01-classical_physics.html ,如下所示:
# Simple Harmonic Oscillator Problem
using OrdinaryDiffEq, Plots
# Parameters
ω = 1
# Initial Conditions
x₀ = [0.0]
dx₀ = [π/2]
tspan = (0.0, 2π)
ϕ = atan((dx₀[1]/ω)/x₀[1])
A = √(x₀[1]^2 + dx₀[1]^2)
# Define the problem
function harmonicoscillator(ddu,du,u,ω,t)
ddu .= -ω^2 * u
# Pass to solvers
prob = SecondOrderODEProblem(harmonicoscillator, dx₀, x₀, tspan, ω)
sol = solve(prob, DPRKN6())
# Plot
plot(sol, vars=[2,1], linewidth=2, title ="Simple Harmonic Oscillator", xaxis = "Time", yaxis = "Elongation", label = ["x" "dx"])
plot!(t->A*cos(ω*t-ϕ), lw=3, ls=:dash, label="Analytical Solution x")
plot!(t->-A*ω*sin(ω*t-ϕ), lw=3, ls=:dash, label="Analytical Solution dx")
我不明白 .= 运算符在函数谐波振荡器中的用法。使用 = 给了我错误的答案。所以,我想知道与 有什么.=
的,因为 RHS 都是标量。