我正在使用我使用 Nodejs (Express)、Postgres 和 React 创建的交易机器人。React 仅适用于 UI,所有工作都使用 Node.js 完成。Postgres 用于在数据库中存储交易信息。
- 获取交易平台上所有加密货币的列表(1 个外部 API 请求)
- 循环获取每个加密并对其执行一些“大量”计算(+150 个外部 API 请求并调用大量异步辅助函数)
- 如果一种加密货币满足要求的条件,则购买它(每个购买的加密货币 2 个外部 API 请求)然后将交易数据插入 DB(1 个内部 API 请求)
- 当所有密码都循环通过时,重复
这工作正常,但真的很慢。每个加密 ( 2
) 上的循环大约需要一分钟才能完成(每个加密大约 2.5 秒)。
// Controller :
exports.strategyBacktesting = async (req, res, next) => {
//... Some code ...
const markets = await getMarkets();
const calculationsResults = await calculations(markets);
//... More code ...
// Return calculationResults and other stuff for the UI
//----- Files in utils folders
// Called from controller
exports.getMarkets = async () => {
// Get all the listed cryptos via an external API request
// Loop through all the fetched data to filter the cryptos I want to work with
// Return a Promise (array containing all the cryptos I will do the calculations on)
// Called from controller
exports.calculations = async (markets) => {
// Loop through all the results from getMarkets() (markets param) (+150 results) = all the cryptos to work with
for (let cryptoPair in markets) ...
// In the loop:
// Call the getPairCandles() function (below) to get all the data needed per crypto :
// Note that the cryptoPair param is the object from the loop
const { /* data needed for the calculation */ } = await getPairCandles(cryptoPair)
// Perform all the needed calculations (one iteration = one crypto) => This is where it takes a long time (around 2.5 seconds per crypto)
// Calls lots of async helper functions and do the calculations
// If some required conditions are met, do :
//- 1 external async API call to buy the crypto
//- 1 external async API call to set a sell limit
//- One internal async API call to save the trade info in the DB
// When the loop is done on the +150 cryptos, return a Promise for the controller to return to UI
// Called from calculations() function above
const getPairCandles = async (cryptoPair) => {
// Make an external API request to get specific real-time data about one crypto (the cryptoPair param of the function)
// Loop through some data in the object received to filter the wanted properties
// Return a Promise containing 5 arrays (the data I need to calculate on this crypto)
在 Nodejs 中读到了一些可以帮助进行繁重计算的内容。话虽如此,我该如何实施呢?就我而言,这甚至是一个好的解决方案吗?问题是,执行计算的循环是相同的,其中包含对async
API 调用的大量调用。这是大约需要一分钟才能完成的循环。