店铺 -< 产品 >- 类别
model Store {
id String @id @default(uuid())
name String @unique
Product Product[]
model Category {
id String @id
name String @unique
Product Product[]
model Product {
id String @default(uuid())
name String @unique
creator Store @relation(fields: [store_id], references: [id])
store_id String // relation to creator field
product_category Category @relation(fields: [category_id], references: [id])
category_id String // relation to product_category field
price Number
// get the category that i want to seed
const consumerGoods = await prisma.category.findUnique({
where: {
id: 'CS',
const productMap = {
Sports: [
name: 'basketball',
product_category: consumerGoods, // store category in storemap
price: 35.95
Games: [
name: 'ps5',
product_category: consumerGoods,
price: 399.99
Toys: [
name: 'Super Man',
product_category: consumerGoods,
price: 14.50
for (const name of storeNames) {
institutions.push(await prisma.store.upsert({
where: { name},
update: {},
create: {
name: name,
Product: {
create: productMap[name] // place complete object in create
Unknown arg `id` in create.Product.create.0.product_category.id