列表中项目名称(在括号中)具有 <=2 字符的任何项目,说明与名称放在同一行。我正在寻找一种方法,以便所有描述都在下一行缩进,谢谢。


%% Layout Alteration
%% --------------------------
            enumitem,           % indented items for glossary
            framed,             % nice boxes; used in Supervisor's Approval
            geometry,           % change the margins for specific PAGES
\geometry{                      % specify page size options for (geometry)
            a4paper,            % paper size
            margin=1in,         % specified independently with hmargin vmargin

% Hides the formatting for the glossary


    \item[Uvic] University of Victoria
    \item[2-FSK] 2 tone Frequency Shift Keying
    \item[Core blocks] The pre installed modules and blocks in Gnuradio
    \item[CSA] Canadian Space Agency
    \item[CubeSat] A miniaturized space satellite for research
    \item[DSP] Digital Signal Processor
    \item[FM] Frequency Modulation
    \item[FPGA] Field-Programmable Gate Array
    \item[FSK] Frequency Shift Keying
    \item[GFSK] Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying
    \item[GNU Radio] A DSP and SDR creation software
    \item[GPIO] General Purpose Input/Output
    \item[GRC] GNU Radio Companion, GUI interface for GNU Radio
    \item[gr\_modtool] A script that simplifies the process of creating OOT Modules
    \item[GUI] Graphical User Interface
    \item[IO] Input/Output
    \item[OS] Operating System
    \item[OOT Module] Out-of-tree Module
    \item[PDU] Protocol Data Unit, A PMT that is a pair of a dictionary and a uniform vector type
    \item[PMT] Polymorphic Type, An opaque data type designed as generic containers of data that can be safely passed between blocks in Gnuradio




1 回答 1



\item[] \textbf{#1} \newline \hspace*{.5cm} #2}


    \myitem{Uvic} University of Victoria
    \myitem{2-FSK} 2 tone Frequency Shift Keying
    \myitem{Core blocks} The pre installed modules and blocks in Gnuradio
    \myitem{CSA} Canadian Space Agency
    \myitem{CubeSat} A miniaturized space satellite for research
    \myitem{DSP} Digital Signal Processor
    \myitem{FM} Frequency Modulation
    \myitem{FPGA} Field-Programmable Gate Array
    \myitem{FSK} Frequency Shift Keying
    \myitem{GFSK} Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying
    \myitem{GNU Radio} A DSP and SDR creation software
    \myitem{GPIO} General Purpose Input/Output
    \myitem{GRC} GNU Radio Companion, GUI interface for GNU Radio
    \myitem{gr\_modtool} A script that simplifies the process of creating OOT Modules
    \myitem{GUI} Graphical User Interface
    \myitem{IO} Input/Output
    \myitem{OS} Operating System
    \myitem{OOT Module} Out-of-tree Module
    \myitem{PDU} Protocol Data Unit, A PMT that is a pair of a dictionary and a uniform vector type
    \myitem{PMT} Polymorphic Type, An opaque data type designed as generic containers of data that can be safely passed between blocks in Gnuradio

给你这个(摘录): 输出


    \item[GUI] Graphical User Interface
    \item[IO\phantom{XYZ}] Input/Output
    \item[OS\phantom{XYZ}] Operating System


于 2021-04-14T08:21:05.607 回答