我目前正在从 Java 过渡到 Python,并承担了尝试创建一个计算器的任务,该计算器可以对中缀表示的数学表达式执行符号运算(不使用像 Sympy 这样的自定义模块)。目前,它被构建为接受以空格分隔的字符串,并且只能执行 (、)、+、-、* 和 / 运算符。不幸的是,我无法弄清楚简化符号表达式的基本算法。
例如,给定字符串 '2 * ( ( 9 / 6 ) + 6 * x )',我的程序应该执行以下步骤:
- 2 * ( 1.5 + 6 * x )
- 3 + 12 * x
但是我不能让程序在分发 2 时忽略 x。此外,我该如何处理 'x * 6 / x' 以便在简化后返回 '6'?
def reduceExpr(useArray):
# Use Python's native eval() to compute if no letters are detected.
if (not hasLetters(useArray)):
return [calculate(useArray)] # Different from eval() because it returns string version of result
# Base case. Returns useArray if the list size is 1 (i.e., it contains one string).
if (len(useArray) == 1):
return useArray
# Base case. Returns the space-joined elements of useArray as a list with one string.
if (len(useArray) == 3):
return [' '.join(useArray)]
# Checks to see if parentheses are present in the expression & sets.
# Counts number of parentheses & keeps track of first ( found.
parentheses = 0
leftIdx = -1
# This try/except block is essentially an if/else block. Since useArray.index('(') triggers a KeyError
# if it can't find '(' in useArray, the next line is not carried out, and parentheses is not incremented.
leftIdx = useArray.index('(')
parentheses += 1
except Exception:
# If a KeyError was returned, leftIdx = -1 and rightIdx = parentheses = 0.
rightIdx = leftIdx + 1
while (parentheses > 0):
if (useArray[rightIdx] == '('):
parentheses += 1
elif (useArray[rightIdx] == ')'):
parentheses -= 1
rightIdx += 1
# Provided parentheses pair isn't empty, runs contents through again; else, removes the parentheses
if (leftIdx > -1 and rightIdx - leftIdx > 2):
return reduceExpr(useArray[:leftIdx] + [' '.join(['(',reduceExpr(useArray[leftIdx+1:rightIdx-1])[0],')'])] + useArray[rightIdx:])
elif (leftIdx > -1):
return reduceExpr(useArray[:leftIdx] + useArray[rightIdx:])
# If operator is + or -, hold the first two elements and process the rest of the list first
if isAddSub(useArray[1]):
return reduceExpr(useArray[:2] + reduceExpr(useArray[2:]))
# Else, if operator is * or /, process the first 3 elements first, then the rest of the list
elif isMultDiv(useArray[1]):
return reduceExpr(reduceExpr(useArray[:3]) + useArray[3:])
# Just placed this so the compiler wouldn't complain that the function had no return (since this was called by yet another function).
return None