Given: Mesh, Source Camera - I have intrinsic and extrinsic parameters, Image coordinate 2d

Output: 3D point, which is the intersection of a ray from camera center, through the 2d point on the image plane and the mesh. (I'm trying to find the 3d point on the mesh)

This is the process: enter image description here

From Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision book: enter image description here

I have constructed the equation (6.14).

I'm not sure how to continue and get the 3d point that lies on the mesh (I also need the point that is closet to the camera).

I thought that it can be done in the following way:

Iterate over all the vertices and find the distance between the vertex and the line and the vertices that have the least distance lie on the line (if they're close to zero or zero), and finding the closet vertex is I guess finding the magnitude of between the center of the camera and the closet vertices, the smallest one will mean the point is the closest?

Quick update: This repo does seem to work with the rays: github.com/szabolcsdombi/python-mesh-raycast

I guess the bug now lies in getting the point D right..


2 回答 2


As Grillteller pointed out in the comment, this is a ray intersection problem with the 3d mesh. As far as I know, humanity does not yet know a quick way to determine the intersection for an arbitrary mesh. In your problem context, you should Ray Tracing, which is also pointed out by Grillteller, however this has serious performance issues, although it gives a lot of shading possibilities. To find the intersection of a ray and a mesh, the Ray Tracing algorithm typically uses different acceleration structures. Often such structures are a partition of space by trees:

This presentation explains some of these and other approaches very well.

P.S .: If you only need a simple visualization, then it would be better to reverse the problem: for each mesh element, perform rasterisation.

于 2021-04-09T06:34:33.717 回答

我使用 python找到了另一个名为trimesh的实现。


import numpy as np 
import trimesh

# attach to logger so trimesh messages will be printed to console 

mesh = trimesh.load('models/CesiumMilkTruck.glb', force='mesh')

我找到了将场景中的相机导入为trimesh.scene.Camera. 然后您可以使用该函数cameras_to_rays(camera)(第 417 行)来“每像素返回一条光线,如 camera.resolution 中设置的那样”。

所以现在你有了每个像素和网格的光线,并且可以创建一个RayMeshIntersectorray_triangle.py所示的。然后,您可以使用intersects_location(第 75 行)计算相应光线撞击网格的笛卡尔图像坐标。


A very simple example of using scene cameras to generate
rays for image reasons.
Install `pyembree` for a speedup (600k+ rays per second)
from __future__ import division

import PIL.Image

import trimesh
import numpy as np

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # test on a simple mesh
    mesh = trimesh.load('../models/featuretype.STL')

    # scene will have automatically generated camera and lights
    scene = mesh.scene()

    # any of the automatically generated values can be overridden
    # set resolution, in pixels
    scene.camera.resolution = [640, 480]
    # set field of view, in degrees
    # make it relative to resolution so pixels per degree is same
    scene.camera.fov = 60 * (scene.camera.resolution /

    # convert the camera to rays with one ray per pixel
    origins, vectors, pixels = scene.camera_rays()

    # do the actual ray- mesh queries
    points, index_ray, index_tri = mesh.ray.intersects_location(
        origins, vectors, multiple_hits=False)

    # for each hit, find the distance along its vector
    depth = trimesh.util.diagonal_dot(points - origins[0],
    # find pixel locations of actual hits
    pixel_ray = pixels[index_ray]

    # create a numpy array we can turn into an image
    # doing it with uint8 creates an `L` mode greyscale image
    a = np.zeros(scene.camera.resolution, dtype=np.uint8)

    # scale depth against range (0.0 - 1.0)
    depth_float = ((depth - depth.min()) / depth.ptp())

    # convert depth into 0 - 255 uint8
    depth_int = (depth_float * 255).round().astype(np.uint8)
    # assign depth to correct pixel locations
    a[pixel_ray[:, 0], pixel_ray[:, 1]] = depth_int
    # create a PIL image from the depth queries
    img = PIL.Image.fromarray(a)

    # show the resulting image

    # create a raster render of the same scene using OpenGL
    # rendered = PIL.Image.open(trimesh.util.wrap_as_stream(scene.save_image()))
于 2021-04-12T07:52:04.633 回答