混合模式将像以下 sudo 代码一样工作:
Cascade Blend mode:
R channel
If there is something in the green channel and nothing in the red channel, draw to the channel.
G channel:
If there is something in the blue channel and nothing in the green channel, draw to the channel.
B channel:
If there is something in the alpha channel and nothing in the blue channel, draw to the channel.
A channel
If there is nothing in the alpha channel, draw to the channel.
dest_r = src_r * (ceil(dest_g) - ceil(dest_r));
dest_g = src_g * (ceil(dest_b) - ceil(dest_g));
dest_b = src_b * (ceil(dest_a) - ceil(dest_b));
dest_a = src_a * (1.0 - ceil(dest_a));