为什么 myint++++ 用 VS2008 编译器和 gcc 3.42 编译器编译得很好?我期待编译器说需要左值,示例见下文。
struct MyInt
MyInt(int i):m_i(i){}
MyInt& operator++() //return reference, return a lvalue
m_i += 1;
return *this;
//operator++ need it's operand to be a modifiable lvalue
MyInt operator++(int)//return a copy, return a rvalue
MyInt tem(*this);
return tem;
int m_i;
int main()
//control: the buildin type int
int i(0);
++++i; //compile ok
//i++++; //compile error :'++' needs l-value, this is expected
MyInt myint(1);
++++myint;//compile ok
myint++++;//expecting compiler say need lvalue , but compiled fine !? why ??