我有两个布尔变量var lookingLeft = falsevar lookingRight = false一个椭圆ellipse(40, 40, i, i)

var lookingLeft = false;
var lookingRight = false;

function draw() {

    let i = 30;
    ellipse(40, 40, i, i);
    if (nose.x > leftEye.x) {
      lookingLeft = true;
    if (nose.x > rightEye.x) {
      lookingRight = true;
    if (lookingLeft === true) {
      i = i + 10 //this is not working
      rect(10, 10, 50, 50); //but this is
    if (lookingRight === true) {
      i = i - 10 //again, this is not working
      rect(300, 300, 50, 50); //but this is

我想i增加 10 时lookingLeft = true减少 10 时lookingRight = true

这是我的 p5 网络编辑器草图:https ://editor.p5js.org/saskiasmith/sketches/7WMDPGPbrc



3 回答 3



i += lookingLeft && -10 || lookingRight && 10;


i += 10 * (lookingRight - lookingLeft);
于 2021-03-27T15:46:45.300 回答

I don't know if this is intentional or not, but you're re-assigning 'i' every time draw fires, so the max you can get is 40 and the min is 20. You could do something like this:

if(lookingLeft){ // if it's true it runs, you don't really need "===" with bools in if()
i += 10  //i = i + 10
} else if (lookingRight){
i -= 10
} else{  // OR else if(!lookingLeft && !lookingRight) {}"!" just means NOT so "if not looking left..."
i = 30

// and also there are more prettier ways to do this:  *I "explain" in the lower text*

i += (lookingRight) ? -10 : 10
if(!lookingRight && !lookingLeft){i = 30} 

if you don't get it, i wouldn't advise using it in your code right now. But i might aswell try to explain it: '(lookingRight)' is just if statement's thingy, '?' is the same as 'if', '-10' if true, '10' if not true, but yet again this doesn't matter, I will not advise on using this...

I also have no idea if that's what you meant and if this helps, so hope it does.

于 2021-04-01T19:39:04.103 回答


var lookingLeft = false;
var lookingRight = false;

function draw() {
  let i = 30;
  if (nose.x > leftEye.x) {
    lookingLeft = true;
  if (nose.x > rightEye.x) {
    lookingRight = true;
  if (lookingLeft === true) {
    i = i + 10 //this is not working
  if (lookingRight === true) {
    i = i - 10 //again, this is not working

  ellipse(40, 40, i, i);
于 2021-03-27T16:26:43.423 回答