几个月前,我使用 youtube API 推出了一个关于食谱的应用程序,因此用户可以阅读食谱并观看视频。视频和食谱不是我制作的,但我有权在我的应用程序中使用它们,并且它们的出处写在食谱的末尾。本周我收到了来自 AdMob 的警告:
**Valuable inventory: Scraped content**
As stated in our Program policies, we may not show Google ads on pages or apps with little or no value and/or excessive advertising to the user. This includes pages or apps that are scraping or rewriting of content from other sources without adding value. Please see Google’s Webmaster quality guidelines for thin content with little or no added value for more information.
For more information, review the following resources:
Policy tips for creating high quality sites (part 1)
Policy tips for creating high quality sites (part 2)
Webmaster quality guidelines
AdSense Program policies
在 AdSense 政策中明确规定,如果有归属于所有者,则不会被视为抓取。我怎样才能做出适当的归因来避免这种情况?
我不能只用我的话在应用程序上写下所有的食谱,我还有其他 6 个类似的应用程序。
我的应用程序: Receitas de Frango deliciosas