One of our Java based Swing applications has a class which creates an java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService instance used to run SwingWorkers. Before the executor service is returned, a custom PropertyChangeListener is added to the instance of sun.awt.AppContext to shutdown the executor service when the AppContext is 'disposed'.

I am investigating all hurdles that may arise when we migrate the code base from Java 8 to 15. The class AppContext is no longer available from Java 9 on.

Is there a suitable replacement mechanism in current Java JDK to recreate this?

The current code looks something like this:

ExecutorService service = new ThreadPoolExecutor(...); 
final ExecutorService es = service;

    new PropertyChangeListener()
        public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent pce)
            // here some code, where we extract executor service from property change event
            ExecutorService executorService = ...;
            AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Void>()

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