
String command = "Header '{1}' has a value that ends with '{2}' (ignore case)";
String input = "Header 'some-value' has a value that ends with '123ws' (ignore case)";


0 -> some-value
1 -> 123ws

我在 Java Comparing two strings with placeholder values 上引用了这个答案,对我的使用做了一点调整。

private static Map<Integer, Object> getUserInputMap(String command, String input) {

        System.out.println("\t" + command);
        System.out.println("\t" + input);

        command = command.replace("(", "<");
        command = command.replace(")", ">");
        input = input.replace("(", "<");
        input = input.replace(")", ">");

        Map<Integer, Object> userInputMap = new HashMap<>();

        String patternTemplate = command.replace("{0}", "(.*)");
        patternTemplate = patternTemplate.replace("{1}", "(.*)");
        patternTemplate = patternTemplate.replace("{2}", "(.*)");

        Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(patternTemplate);
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input);
        if (matcher.matches()) {
            for (int gi = 1; gi <= matcher.groupCount(); gi++) {
                String uin =  matcher.group(gi);
                uin = uin.replace("<", "(");
                uin = uin.replace(">", ")");
                userInputMap.put(gi - 1, uin);

        return userInputMap;


是否有围绕此编写的成熟库?我正在检查 MessageFormat/StrSubstitutor 但我无法获得任何符合我期望的方法。


1 回答 1




然后遍历结果数组中的元素并在input. 在执行此操作时,您希望跟踪结束索引以从那里开始搜索,而不是重新开始input


String[] parts = command.split("\\{0|[1-9][0-9]*\\}");
int paramStart = 0;
int index = 0;
for( String part : parts ) {  
  index = input.indexOf(part, index);
  if( index < 0) {
    //problem: command part hasn't been found - you probably want to end parsing here

  //the first part should be found at index 0 so ignore that
  if( index != 0 )
    //parameter value should be between the last part and the current one
   String parameterValue = input.substring(paramStart, index);

  //the next parameter starts after the current part
  paramStart= index + part.length();

//there seems to be a last placeholder at the end of the command
if(paramStart < input.length() - 1) {
  //get the substring here

这应该能够处理大多数情况,除了那些参数看起来像您的命令部分或占位符彼此相邻且无法区分的情况。举个例子,取"{1} - {2}"参数"A - B""C - D"- 结果将是 "A - B - C - D",在这种情况下,如果没有更多信息(只有占位符没有这些信息),您将无法安全地确定这两个参数的值。

于 2021-03-23T09:37:54.093 回答