出于某种原因,即使在使用延续令牌分配实现循环以继续列出之后,下面的代码也不会列出超过 1000 个对象,这告诉 ListObjectsV2Request 仅在 IsTruncated 为真时才继续和停止。我的存储桶有 33,000 个对象,即使前缀和键是空字符串,结果总是返回 1000 个对象。谁能帮我理解为什么我总是得到 1000 个对象?标记,适用于旧版本的 Amazon SDK。

''' <summary>
    ''' List objects in a AWS-S3 Bucket depending on the Prefix and Key passes to it.
    ''' See: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/ListingKeysUsingAPIs.html   
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="myBucketName">The name of the AWS-S3 bucket.</param>
    ''' <param name="FilePrefix">Act as a organizer. For example `TestFiles\` can be added in front of many files to group them</param>
    ''' <param name="Key_or_ActualFilename">The actual name of the file with extension. 
    ''' 'For example `ListOfCustomer1.xls` in TestFiles\ListOfCustomer1.xls
    ''' </param>
    ''' <remarks> 
    ''' Notes from Amazon documentation: 
    ''' Iterating through multi-page results:
    ''' As buckets can contain a virtually unlimited number of keys, the complete results of a list query can be extremely large.
    ''' To manage large result sets, the Amazon S3 API supports pagination to split them into multiple responses. 
    ''' Each list keys response returns a page of up to 1,000 keys with an indicator indicating if the response is truncated.
    ''' You send a series of list keys requests until you have received all the keys. AWS SDK wrapper libraries provide the same pagination.
    ''' Function returns List(Of S3Object). Last modified by FGV on 03/20/2022 09:15PM
    ''' </remarks>
    Async Function ListAFileOrFilesInAWS_S3(myBucketName As String, FilePrefix As String, Key_or_ActualFilename As String) As Task(Of List(Of S3Object))
            Dim myClient As S3.IAmazonS3 = Get_AWS_S3_Client()
            If myClient IsNot Nothing Then
                Dim SearchKey As String = ""
                If String.IsNullOrEmpty(FilePrefix) And String.IsNullOrEmpty(Key_or_ActualFilename) Then
                    SearchKey = "" ' Search everywhere in the Bucket
                ElseIf String.IsNullOrEmpty(FilePrefix) = False And String.IsNullOrEmpty(Key_or_ActualFilename) Then
                    SearchKey = FilePrefix ' Search for the file key only. more likely will return a file or two with the same unique filename or key part
                ElseIf String.IsNullOrEmpty(FilePrefix) And String.IsNullOrEmpty(Key_or_ActualFilename) = False Then
                    SearchKey = Key_or_ActualFilename ' Search for the prefix only , more likely will return multiple files with the same prefix
                ElseIf String.IsNullOrEmpty(FilePrefix) = False And String.IsNullOrEmpty(Key_or_ActualFilename) = False Then
                    SearchKey = FilePrefix & "\" & Key_or_ActualFilename
                End If
                Dim mylistOfObjectsRequest As ListObjectsV2Request = New ListObjectsV2Request With {
                .BucketName = myBucketName,
                .Prefix = SearchKey
                ' for some reason it does not list more than 1000 objects,
                ' even after implementing the loop below and the continuation token assignment!
                Dim myListOfObjectsResponse As ListObjectsV2Response
                    myListOfObjectsResponse = Await myClient.ListObjectsV2Async(mylistOfObjectsRequest)
                    'For Each entry As S3Object In myListOfObjectsResponse.S3Objects

                    '    Console.WriteLine("key = {0} size = {1}", entry.Key, entry.Size)
                    'Console.WriteLine("Next Continuation Token: {0}", myListOfObjectsResponse.NextContinuationToken)
                    mylistOfObjectsRequest.ContinuationToken = myListOfObjectsResponse.NextContinuationToken

                Loop While (myListOfObjectsResponse.IsTruncated)
                ' code below for troubleshooting purpose only
                'For Each fileObject As S3Object In myListOfObjectsResponse.S3Objects
                '    If fileObject.Size > 0 Then ' if file size = 0 then is a folder must probably!
                '        MsgBox("Key Or File Full Path: " & fileObject.Key & "  - Size: " & fileObject.Size.ToString _
                '        & " Bytes  - Last Modified: " & fileObject.LastModified.ToString)
                '    End If
                ' using Linq to return the object everywhere in the bucket, but exclude the "folders" (object with size 0) themselves. 
                Return myListOfObjectsResponse.S3Objects.Where(Function(file) file.Size > 0).ToList()
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            add_A_LogEntry(ErrorLogFilePath, "Unknown error listing files (object) via AWS-S3 client. Error: " & ex.Message)
        End Try
        Return Nothing
    End Function

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