If we scale up (add an instance to ELB), could we redirect some existing requests to the new instance. So that, The users that we force to a new server will be asked to login again
If we scale down (remove an instance from ELB), then all users from that server will automatically be redirected by ELB to other remaining servers. These user should not be aked to login again.
Is this possible (including the redirect of request)? How?
Any ideas are welcome but I presume this can be solved using a central session store. I just don't know how to implement it .
And what are the options in using a central session store? simpledb? redis? memcached?
Our application is just a simple web application hosted in apache. We have two instances of it added unto the Amazon ELB, and we are using PHP.
Any ELB php specific suggestions? when a scale down/up happens that no user-visible symptomps should be shown?