我正在尝试使用 Firebase 保持状态。我目前正在使用“saveState”功能,该功能可以正常工作并将最新状态正确保存到 Firebase。

现在我希望能够根据 Firebase 中最近保存的状态来初始化状态机。在下面的代码中,我尝试使用我的“loadState”函数为 Xstate 提供一个配置对象。它目前返回一个带有正确状态配置的承诺。


 //This function works fine.
 function saveState(current, id){
        let transactionJSON = serialize(current);
        transactionJSON['createdOn'] = new Date();
        return firebase.saveTransactionState({transactionJSON, transactionId:id});

这是我的“loadState”函数,它从 Firebase 返回一个带有正确配置信息的承诺。

function loadState(id){
        return firebase.getTransactionState({transactionId:id}).then(function(querySnapshot) {
            return querySnapshot.docs.map(doc => deserialize({...doc.data()})  );

现在我的问题是尝试使用上面的“loadState”函数加载 Xstate。在这里,我尝试使用 useMachine React 钩子:

const [current, send] = useMachine(transactionMachine,{
        state: () => loadState(id), //Trying to do something like this, but it doesn't seem to work.
            save: () => saveState(current, id),





1 回答 1



在状态机中调用 fetch 怎么样?

import { Machine, assign } from 'xstate';

const yourMachine = Machine({

    id: 'yourStateMachine',
    initial: 'fetching',
    context: {
        values: {
            id: '', // likely need a state to initialize this value before fetching
            apiDat: {}
    states: {

        fetching: {
            invoke: {
                src: ({values}) => firebase
                    .getTransactionState({ transactionId: values.id })
                    .then(function(querySnapshot) {
                        return querySnapshot.docs.map(
                            doc => deserialize({...doc.data()})  
                onDone: { target: 'resolving', actions: 'cacheApiDat' },
                onError: { target: 'error.fetchFailed' },

        resolving: {
            initial: 'delay',
            states: {
                delay: { 
                    after: { 
                        750: 'resolve' 
                resolve: {
                    always: [
                        { cond: 'isSuccess', target: '#yourStateMachine.idle' },
                        { cond: 'isUnauthorized', target: '#yourStateMachine.error.auth' },

        error: {
            states: {
                fetchFailed: {
                    type: 'final',
                auth: {
                    type: 'final',

        idle: {




    actions: {

         cacheApiDat: assign({ values: ({values}, event) => ({
                   apiDat: event.data, // save whatever values you need here


    guards: {
        // this requires a definition based on firebase's returned api call on a success
        isSuccess: ({values}) => typeof values.apiDat.data !== 'undefined',
        // this requires a definition based on firebase's returned api call when the call is unauthorized
        isUnauthorized: ({values}) => typeof values.apiDat.detail !== 'undefined' && values.apiDat.detail === 'invalid_auth',


于 2021-03-16T17:50:36.317 回答