假设我有一个大的 100 兆字节的字典,我想把它做成一个磁盘搁架。我正在使用 pypar 来利用 MPI 生成主列表的清理位。实现这一目标的最佳方法是什么?例子:
# much earlier
masterDict = shelve.open( 'aShelveFile' )
# .. . . . .
# then we work out which parts of masterDict to keep
# and we put into aCleanDict
# then use mpi pypar to send the cleaned bits to the master rank
if pypar.rank() == 0:
tempdict = {}
for p in range(1,pypar.size()):
for l1 in tempdict:
for l2 in l1:
for p in range(1,pypar.size()):
# now realDict has all the cleaned bits
# which we send to the other hosts
pypar.send(aCleanDict, 0 )
aCleanDict = pypar.receive( 0 )
# now to replace masterDict with aCleanDict
# note: cannot send shelve dictonaries using pypar
# insert stackover flow code here.