下面的代码将发票的字段写入数组。大多数行都有一个以“MX”开头的 PO#(例如 MX111111、MX222222),并且它始终位于 E 列或 F 列中。所有其他数据字段相对于 PO# 的偏移量相同。例如,“项目代码”总是一个单元格,“小时”总是两个单元格。因此,数组填充为 POCol + 1、POCol + 2 等的值。
我在下面代码的第 23 行收到“VBA 运行时错误 1004:应用程序定义或对象定义错误” - 当它开始尝试将单元格值写入数组时。
我 99% 确定这是因为整数变量“POCol”没有得到值。为什么?如果我在 if 语句之外设置 POCol = 5 - 没有错误 - 但它违背了检查 cols E & F 发票的目的,它在 F 中。
所以...我猜我的 InStr if 语句有问题?MsgBox 永远不会弹出,所以我猜我的 if 逻辑永远不会通过。
谢谢 - 非常感谢任何帮助。
line = 1
For row = 1 To 100
' When ColA hits "Comments", the line numbers are done, so skip below ie. stop looking for more line numbers and go to next invoice
If Cells(row, "A").Value = "Comments" Then
Exit For
End If
' Find which column the PO number is in
POCol = 0
If InStr(1, Cells(row, "E").Value, "MX") <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Found MX ColE"
POCol = 5
End If
If InStr(1, Cells(row, "F").Value, "MX") <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Found MX ColF"
POCol = 6
End If
If IsNumeric(Cells(row, "A")) And Len(Cells(row, "A")) = 1 Then ' if it's a single digit in ColA, it's a line number
If Cells(row, "A").Value = 1 And Len(Cells(row, "A")) = 1 Then ' if first line, refer to columns one-row-down
DataArray(invoice, 7, line, 1) = Cells(row, "A").Value ' Line #
DataArray(invoice, 7, line, 2) = Cells(row + 1, POCol).Value ' PO #
DataArray(invoice, 7, line, 3) = Cells(row + 1, POCol + 1).Value ' Item code
DataArray(invoice, 7, line, 4) = Cells(row + 1, POCol + 2).Value ' Hours
DataArray(invoice, 7, line, 5) = Cells(row + 1, POCol + 4).Value ' Line total
'DataArray(invoice, 7, line, 6) = DataArray(invoice, 7, line, 5) / 10 ' Line GST
line = line + 1 ' Move to next array item
End If
If Cells(row, "A").Value > 1 And Len(Cells(row, "A")) = 1 Then ' if other lines, refer to columns in same row
DataArray(invoice, 7, line, 1) = Cells(row, "A").Value ' Line #
DataArray(invoice, 7, line, 2) = Cells(row, POCol).Value ' PO #
DataArray(invoice, 7, line, 3) = Cells(row, POCol + 1).Value ' Item code
DataArray(invoice, 7, line, 4) = Cells(row, POCol + 2).Value ' Hours
DataArray(invoice, 7, line, 5) = Cells(row, POCol + 4).Value ' Line total
'DataArray(invoice, 7, line, 6) = DataArray(invoice, 7, line, 5) / 10 ' Line GST
line = line + 1 ' Move to next array item
End If
End If