I'm trying to set up a web server using uvw, a wrapper around libuv. I've got the server to a point, where i can send out simple responses, and it works without issues. I wanted to add a SSE route, but no matter what I've tried, i cannot get the browser to properly receive the events I'm trying to send out. Is there something I'm missing about sse? I've already had success adding delay to a normal html response, but no matter what i change, the client (I'm using Javascripts EventSource) doesn't report any events, and neither does the network tab of the developer tools.

My code: main.cpp

#include <memory>
#include <map>
#include <uvw.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using HttpRequestHandler = std::function<void(std::string_view header, uvw::TCPHandle& socket)>;

// Global (yeah) registry of http request handlers
std::map<std::string, HttpRequestHandler> httpHandlers;

// Utility functions for sending messages to tcp sockets 
void send (uvw::TCPHandle& target, std::string message) {
    target.tryWrite(message.data(), message.size());
void send (std::shared_ptr<uvw::TCPHandle> target, std::string message) {
    send(*target, message);

int main () {
    // Create the loop
    auto loop = uvw::Loop::getDefault();
    // Make a handler for our server
    auto tcp = loop->resource<uvw::TCPHandle>();

    // Setup logic for incoming connections
    tcp->on<uvw::ListenEvent>([](const uvw::ListenEvent& event, uvw::TCPHandle& server){
        std::shared_ptr<uvw::TCPHandle> connection = server.loop().resource<uvw::TCPHandle>();

        // Setup dealing with the other side disconnecting
        connection->once<uvw::EndEvent>([](const auto&, uvw::TCPHandle& connection){ connection.close(); });
        // Setup loging errors
        connection->on<uvw::ErrorEvent>([](const uvw::ErrorEvent& err, uvw::TCPHandle& connection) {
            std::cerr << "Error @ " << connection.sock().ip << ':' << connection.sock().port << "; Message: "
                << err.what() << '\n';

        // Setup dealing with the request
        connection->on<uvw::DataEvent>([](const uvw::DataEvent& event, uvw::TCPHandle& connection){
            std::string_view msg {event.data.get(), event.length};
            // Extract the request path
            const auto firstSpaceIndex = msg.find(' ');
            const auto secondSpaceIndex = msg.find(' ', firstSpaceIndex+1);
            std::string_view requestPath {msg.data()+firstSpaceIndex+1, secondSpaceIndex-firstSpaceIndex-1};

            // TODO: Authenticate the other side

            // Use the apropriate handler
            if (httpHandlers.contains(std::string(requestPath))) {
                httpHandlers.at(std::string(requestPath))(msg, connection);
            // Or if there's no good handler, just 404
            else {
                std::string http404Message = "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n\r\n";
                connection.write(http404Message.data(), http404Message.size());

        // Connect the prepared connection object with an actual request
        // Start reading the data we're getting

    // Select a port
    tcp->bind("", 4242);
    // and connect to it

    // Open the file with the response of our index page
    std::ifstream indexPage ("resources/page.html");
    std::string indexPageMessage {std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(indexPage), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()};

    // Register the index handler
    httpHandlers["/"] = [message = indexPageMessage](std::string_view header, uvw::TCPHandle& socket) -> void {
        socket.write(const_cast<char*>(message.data()), static_cast<unsigned int>(message.size()));

    // Register the SSE route handler
    httpHandlers["/gameEvents"] = [](std::string_view header, uvw::TCPHandle& socket) -> void {
        std::cout << "Connecting to gameEvents\n";
        // Setup the timer
        auto timer = socket.loop().resource<uvw::TimerHandle>();

        // Send the headerss
            "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
            "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n"
            "Content-Type: text/event-stream\r\n"

        // Deal with other side closing
        socket.on<uvw::CloseEvent>([timer = timer->shared_from_this()](auto& ev, auto& socket) {

        // React to timer ticks
        timer->on<uvw::TimerEvent>([socket = socket.shared_from_this()](auto& event, auto& timer){
            if(socket->writable()) {
                std::cout << "timer sending timer event\n";
                send(socket, "event: timer\n");
            } else {
                std::cout << "timer encountered unwriteable socket, ignoring for now\n";

        // Trigger the above handler every 5 seconds
        timer->start(uvw::TimerHandle::Time{510}, uvw::TimerHandle::Time{5000});

    // Start the show
    // Cleanup after ourselfs

and resources/page.html

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>My Page</title>
    <h2>Hello, world!</h2>
        const myEventStream = new EventSource("/gameEvents");
        myEventStream.addEventListener('message', ev => {
            console.log('sse event');

1 回答 1



send(socket, "event: timer\n")


send(socket, "event: timer\r\n\r\n")

我没有发送额外的换行符来表示事件的结束,所以对于浏览器,我只是发送了一个超长的事件。此外,我的 javascript 被破坏了 -myEventStream.addEventListener('message', ...)会监听名为“消息”的事件,而不是对任何消息做出反应。

于 2021-02-20T20:17:36.933 回答