清除此问题后提出了此问题:将长 gtsummary() 表拆分为 n 个较小的表 本质上,已解决的问题适用于示例数据库。将其应用于我自己的数据框后,Error: Can't coerce element 1 from a double to a integer when try to split gtsummary table发生了。我尝试了一些事情,比如清理班级、删除属性等......但没有成功:这是我的代码:

# split function by Daniel D. Sjoberg

split_gtsummary_tbl <- function(x, .split_after) {
  # get row index where splits occur
  df_index <-
    .split_after %>% 
    purrr::map_int(~x$table_body$variable %in% .x %>%
                     which() %>%
                     max()) %>%
    {union(., nrow(x$table_body))} %>%
    sort() %>%
    unique() %>%
    {tibble::tibble(..index.. = .)} %>%
    mutate(..group.. = dplyr::row_number())
  # nest `x$table_body` within each group
  nested_table_body <-
    x$table_body %>%
    dplyr::mutate(..index.. = dplyr::row_number()) %>%
    dplyr::left_join(df_index, by = "..index..") %>%
    tidyr::fill(..group.., .direction = "up") %>%
    tidyr::nest(data = -..group..)
  # return gtsummary tbl list
    function(..group..) {
      x$table_body <- nested_table_body$data[[..group..]]

# my dataframe and applied split function

df <- structure(list(A = c(17729L, 17131L, 20617L, 18028L, 19721L, 
20418L, 17828L, 21115L, 17928L, 19721L, 17131L, 19522L, 17131L, 
19920L, 19123L, 16036L, 18028L, 17231L, 22012L, 14840L, 24502L, 
19024L, 17729L, 19721L, 20318L, 21215L, 20020L, 18625L, 18824L, 
17131L, 19920L, 16733L, 15737L, 19522L, 18426L, 16832L), B = c(14037L, 
12886L, 11150L, 13571L, 15435L, 14298L, 15188L, 17953L, 15198L, 
13135L, 14899L, 12061L, 11087L, 12825L, 14142L, 15426L, 14960L, 
13814L, 4434L, 6678L, 23550L, 9417L, 13988L, 13734L, 14087L, 
17524L, 16874L, 13605L, 15501L, 13814L, 12164L, 8219L, 12588L, 
14633L, 15746L, 10999L), C = c(1L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 
2L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 
1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 1L, 1L), D = c(43L, 34L, 
43L, 52L, 62L, 50L, 49L, 65L, 46L, 63L, 47L, 58L, 61L, 51L, 62L, 
55L, 57L, 71L, 50L, 34L, 42L, 58L, 43L, 64L, 40L, 58L, 49L, 64L, 
67L, 63L, 48L, 22L, 74L, 64L, 53L, 56L)), row.names = c(NA, -36L
), class = "data.frame")

table1 <- tbl_summary(df) 

split_gtsummary_tbl(table1, .split_after = c("marker", "B"))

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