完整问题:使用 Invoke SQL 命令使用 Powershell 脚本,使用 snappins,我需要将它们包含在 SQL 作业中,Powershell 的 SQL Server 版本有些残缺,有人知道解决方法吗?

根据我收集到的信息,SQL Management Studio 的 powershell 版本功能不足,不允许使用 snappin,因此它无法识别我在脚本中使用的 cmdlet。我尝试在作业中将其作为命令行提示符而不是 Powershell 脚本运行,这会导致代码在一定程度上起作用,但是我检查了作业的历史记录,它说 invoke-sql 仍然不是可识别的 cmdlet。我推测,因为我在远程服务器上运行代码,使用的凭据与我的标准不同,我的预加载 snappin 的配置文件没有被加载,尽管这有点令人怀疑。

此外,由于我是一个 powershell 菜鸟,任何关于更好的编码实践/简化我的代码的建议都将不胜感激!


# define parameters
$file = "\\server\folder\file.ps1"

"invoke-sqlcmd -query """ | out-file "\\server\folder\file.ps1"

# retrieve set of table objects
$path = invoke-sqlcmd -query "select TableName from table WITH (NoLock)" -database db -server server

$so = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ScriptingOptions

 $so.DriPrimaryKey = $false
 $so.Nocollation = $true
 $so.IncludeIfNotExists = $true
 $so.NoIdentities = $true
 $so.AnsiPadding = $false

# script each table
foreach ($table in $path)
#$holder = $table
$table =  get-item sqlserver:\sql\server\default\databases\database\tables\dbo.$($table.TableName)
$table.script($so) | out-file -append $file 

(get-content "\\server\folder\file.ps1") -notmatch "ANSI_NULLS"  | out-file "\\server\folder\file.ps1" 
(get-content "\\server\folder\file.ps1") -notmatch " AS "| out-file "\\server\folder\file.ps1" 
(get-content "\\server\folder\file.ps1") -notmatch "Quoted_" | out-file "\\server\folder\file.ps1"
(get-content "\\server\folder\file.ps1") -replace "\) ON \[PRIMARY\].*", ")" | out-file "\\server\folder\file.ps1"
(get-content "\\server\folder\file.ps1") -replace "\[text\]", "[nvarchar](max)" | out-file "\\server\folder\file.ps1"
(get-content "\\server\folder\file.ps1") -replace " SPARSE ", "" | out-file "\\server\folder\file.ps1"
(get-content "\\server\folder\file.ps1") -replace "COLUMN_SET FOR ALL_SPARSE_COLUMNS", "" | out-file "\\server\folder\file.ps1"

""" -database database -server server" | out-file "\\server\folder\file.ps1" -append

3 回答 3


所以我想出了我自己问题的答案。使用本网站:http ://www.mssqltips.com/tip.asp?tip=1684和 http://www.mssqltips.com/tip.asp?tip=1199

I figured out that he was able to do so using a SQL Server Agent Proxy, so I followed the yellow brick road, and basically I set up a proxy to my account and was able to use the external powershell through a feature. A note, you need to create a credential under the securities tab in object explorer prior to being able to select one when creating the proxy. Basically I ended up creating a proxy named powershell, using the powershell subsystem, and use my login info to create a credential. VOILA!

于 2011-07-08T13:26:34.663 回答

您必须每次都添加管理单元。在您的编辑器中,您可能已经从另一个脚本/选项卡/会话中加载了它们。在 SQL Server 中,您需要在脚本的开头添加如下内容:

IF ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name sqlserverprovidersnapin100 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null )
        Add-PsSnapin sqlserverprovidersnapin100
IF ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name sqlservercmdletsnapin100 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null )
        Add-PsSnapin sqlservercmdletsnapin100
于 2011-07-07T16:04:08.837 回答


您是否从 PowerShell 提示符尝试过这个?

添加-PSSnapin SqlServerCmdletSnapin100

于 2011-07-07T16:15:15.053 回答