
struct Animal<'a> {
    format: &'a dyn Fn() -> (),

impl <'a>Animal<'a> {
    pub fn set_formatter(&mut self, _fmt: &'a dyn Fn() -> ()) -> () {} // Getting rid of 'a here satisfies the compiler
    pub fn bark(&self) {}

fn main() {
    let mut dog: Animal = Animal { format: &|| {()} };
    let x = 0;
    dog.set_formatter(&|| {
        println!("{}", x); // Commenting this out gets rid of the error. Why?
    dog.bark(); // Commenting this out gets rid of the error. Why?


Compiling playground v0.0.1 (/playground)
error[E0716]: temporary value dropped while borrowed
  --> src/main.rs:13:24
13 |       dog.set_formatter(&|| {
   |  ________________________^
14 | |         println!("{}", x); // Commenting this out gets rid of the error. Why?
15 | |     });
   | |     ^ - temporary value is freed at the end of this statement
   | |_____|
   |       creates a temporary which is freed while still in use
16 |       dog.bark(); // Commenting this out gets rid of the error. Why?
   |       --- borrow later used here
   = note: consider using a `let` binding to create a longer lived value

error: aborting due to previous error

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0716`.
error: could not compile `playground`

To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.



pub fn set_formatter(&mut self, _fmt: & dyn Fn() -> ()) -> () {}


  1. println!("{}", x);当我在闭包内注释掉时,为什么问题会消失?我仍在传递一个我希望编译器抱怨的临时文件,但事实并非如此。
  2. 当我在最后注释掉时,为什么问题会消失dog.bark();?同样,我仍在传递一个已释放的临时闭包,但现在编译器很高兴。为什么?

1 回答 1


首先要了解的是,它&|| ()有一个'static生命周期:

fn main() {
    let closure: &'static dyn Fn() = &|| (); // compiles


fn main() {
    let x = 0; // non-static temporary variable
    let closure: &'static dyn Fn() = &|| {
        println!("{}", x); // x reference captured by closure
    }; // error: trying to capture non-static variable in static closure


struct Dog<'a> {
    format: &'a dyn Fn(),

fn main() {
    let dog: Dog<'static> = Dog { format: &|| () }; // compiles

要理解的第二件事是,一旦实例化了一个类型,就无法更改它。这包括它的任何通用参数,包括生命周期。一旦你有了 a Dog<'static>,它将永远是 a Dog<'static>,你不能将它转换为 a ,因为它的Dog<'1>匿名生命周期'1比 短'static

这有一些重要的含义,其中之一是您的set_formatter方法可能不像您认为的那样表现。一旦你有了一个Dog<'static>,你只能'static格式化程序传递给set_formatter. 该方法如下所示:

impl<'a> Dog<'a> {
    fn set_formatter(&mut self, _fmt: &'a dyn Fn()) {}

但是既然我们知道我们正在使用 aDog<'static>我们可以用 替换通用生命周期参数'a'static查看我们真正在使用什么:

// what the impl would be for Dog<'static>
impl Dog {
    fn set_formatter(&mut self, _fmt: &'static dyn Fn()) {}


println!("{}", x);当我在闭包内注释掉时,为什么问题会消失?我仍在传递一个我希望编译器抱怨的临时文件,但事实并非如此。


struct Dog<'a> {
    format: &'a dyn Fn(),

impl<'a> Dog<'a> {
    fn set_formatter(&mut self, _fmt: &'a dyn Fn()) {}

fn main() {
    let mut dog: Dog<'static> = Dog { format: &|| () };
    // x is a temporary value on the stack with a non-'static lifetime
    let x = 0;
    // this closure captures x by reference which ALSO gives it a non-'static lifetime
    // and you CANNOT pass a non-'static closure to a Dog<'static>
    dog.set_formatter(&|| {
        println!("{}", x); 

通过注释掉该行来“修复”此错误的原因是因为它不再借用非变量,因此它再次println!("{}", x);给了闭包一个生命周期。'static'staticx



struct Dog<'a> {
    format: &'a dyn Fn(),

impl<'a> Dog<'a> {
    fn set_formatter(&mut self, _fmt: &'a dyn Fn()) {}

fn main() {
    let mut dog = Dog { format: &|| () };
    let x = 0;
    dog.set_formatter(&|| {
        println!("{}", x); 
    drop(dog); // triggers "temp freed" error above




// what the impl would be for Dog<'static>
impl Dog {
    fn set_formatter(&mut self, _fmt: &'static dyn Fn()) {}


// what the impl would now be for Dog<'static>
impl Dog {
    fn set_formatter(&mut self, _fmt: &dyn Fn()) {}

因此,现在您可以将非'static闭包传递给 aDog<'static>尽管这毫无意义,因为该方法实际上并没有做任何事情,并且当您实际尝试在Dog<'static>结构中设置闭包时,编译器会再次抱怨。

于 2021-01-31T23:57:09.053 回答