我正在使用这些文章 [ 1 ][ 2 ] 中记录的三剪切方法旋转位图。
从大约 0 到 90°,质量是可以接受的,但除此之外,它会逐渐失真,直到无法理解。
谁能帮我找出问题所在?应用程序 Cinema 4D 的 API 调用了一些方法,但我相信问题出在数学上。谢谢!
def shear(angle,x,y):
|1 -tan(/2) | |1 0| |1 -tan(/2) |
|0 1 | |sin() 1| |0 1 |
# shear 1
#shear 2
new_y=round(new_x*math.sin(angle)+new_y) #since there is no change in new_x according to the shear matrix
#shear 3
new_x=round(new_x-new_y*tangent) #since there is no change in new_y according to the shear matrix
return new_x,new_y
cos = math.cos(self.rotation)
sin = math.sin(self.rotation)
# Define the width and height of the destination image
newWidth = round(abs(w*cos)+abs(h*sin))+1
newHeight = round(abs(h*cos)+abs(w*sin))+1
destBmp = c4d.bitmaps.BaseBitmap() #creates a new BaseBitmap instance for the destination image
destBmp.Init(newWidth,newHeight) #initializes the bitmap
destAlpha = destBmp.AddChannel(True, False) #adds an alpha channel
# Find the center of the source image for rotation
origCenterWidth = round(((w+1)/2)-1) #with respect to the source image
origCenterHeight = round(((h+1)/2)-1) #with respect to the source image
# Find the center of the destination image
newCenterWidth = round(((newWidth+1)/2)-1) #with respect to the destination image
newCenterHeight = round(((newHeight)/2)-1) #with respect to the destination image
for xP in range(w):
for yP in range(h):
destBmp.SetPixel(int(xP), int(yP), 0, 0, 255) #sets the destination bitmap's background color to blue
for i in range(h):
for j in range(w):
#co-ordinates of pixel with respect to the center of source image
x = w-1-j-origCenterWidth
y = h-1-i-origCenterHeight
#Applying the Shear Transformation
new_x,new_y = shear(self.rotation,x,y)
#with rotation, the center will change so new_x and new_y will be the new center
new_y = newCenterHeight-new_y
new_x = newCenterWidth-new_x
alphaValue = sourceBmp.GetAlphaPixel(alphaChannel, j, i) #gets the source image pixel's alpha
col = sourceBmp.GetPixelDirect(j, i) #gets the source image pixel's color as a Color Vector
destBmp.SetAlphaPixel(nBmpAlpha, int(new_x), int(new_y), alphaValue) #sets the destination image pixel's alpha
destBmp.SetPixel(int(new_x), int(new_y), int(col.x), int(col.y), int(col.z)) #sets the destination image pixel's color