当我开始调试我们当前正在处理的项目时,程序窗口在窗口中没有得到适当的焦点,而是堆叠在 Visual Studio 窗口的后面。我认为我的团队成员的任何计算机上都不会出现此问题,因此它看起来像是我的系统上的问题。

VS2008 中是否有始终在顶部或类似的设置?我好像一个都找不到...



编辑: 我正在使用带有 ReSharper、GhostDoc 和资源重构工具的 Visual Studio 2008。

编辑: 我已经查看了我在 VS 中可以找到的每一个选项,但我找不到任何可以解释这种行为的东西。

编辑: 我在双显示器设置联想 Thinkpad T 系列笔记本电脑上运行它。显示器通过扩展坞连接。显示器 1 用 DVI 电缆连接,显示器 2 用 VGA 电缆连接。


10 回答 10


我遇到了与 Visual Studio 2010 运行 Always-On-Top 相同的问题。

我不知道这是否总是有效。有趣的是,我关闭了 Visual Studio 2010。然后我以管理员身份重新运行。然后 Visual Studio 正常运行,而不是 Always-On-Top。我关闭了 Visual Studio。我正常运行 Visual Studio(不是以管理员身份)。Visual Studio 没有作为 Always-On-Top 运行。


I did not try running as administrator by right clicking and then clicking "run as administrator" on the popup menu.

I only did this one time because once I got Visual Studio running normally, I did not know how to make it run Always-On-Top again.

于 2011-10-31T01:20:03.097 回答

You can toggle “Always on top” option for the Active window using:

"Windows Key + A"

于 2014-12-10T21:22:03.387 回答

这只是一个理论,但在我最近升级到 ReSharper 4.5 之后,这个问题似乎得到了解决。这可能是巧合,但我倾向于认为这不是......:P

于 2009-05-05T11:48:06.600 回答

I had this problem with Visual Studio 2013 running on windows 10, I'm not 100% sure when or why it started, but it may have been after installing some Windows updates.

I resolved it using a minor variation of the method described by Indinfer:

  • Close Visual Studio
  • Right click on the Visual Studio shortcut, Run As Administrator. The problem is no longer there.
  • Stop and start Visual Studio as normal. The problem is no longer there.
于 2015-11-25T09:50:02.100 回答

See also this answer: https://superuser.com/a/704621/710593

  1. Select a different application (e.g. Chrome).
  2. Press Windows-Home (which will minimise everything else).
  3. Press Windows-Home again (which will restore everything else).
  4. Visual Studio will function normally again.

It just happened to me in VS 2019, and this weird sequence fixed the problem.

于 2020-10-23T06:36:38.333 回答

I got this when I have AppVerifier set for vstest.discoveryengine.x86.exe

于 2015-12-07T12:39:30.990 回答

Simplest solution is to reset your custom settings on Visual studio.

  1. Goto -> Tools -> import and export settings -> select "Reset all settings"
  2. Close all instances of Visual Studio, re-open.

This is safest solution but you will loose all customization you did, e.g. adding line numbers for code files, themeing, etc.

It worked for my Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate.

于 2017-02-22T08:15:43.377 回答

None of the above worked for me, but it went away while I was troubleshooting a different problem. I could not register MSVS 2019 as the Just-In-Time debugger even though I was running in admin. The message as "Another Debugger is Registered...". I uninstalled MSVS Shell (2015) and MSVS 2017, and deleted the registry keys listed in the accepted asnwer here: How to stop “Just In Time Debugging” messages blocking a buildserver , and it solved both problems.

BTW - The problem Always On Top problem did not happen with C++ debugging and I am using ReSharper Ultimate 2020.

于 2020-04-16T16:21:44.843 回答

没有解决方案,但也许是一个观察:我有时也会在启用双显示器的机器上调试 WinForms 应用程序时得到这个。想一想,我从未尝试过关闭一台显示器,而且在我的新工作中,我们不会创建 WinForms 应用程序。随着 Webforms 开始一个新的浏览器,我从来没有遇到过这个问题(还)。

于 2009-03-25T08:29:40.757 回答

Very Simple. Just Toggle Maximise Button on Visual Studio 2017

于 2019-05-06T17:58:30.940 回答