我正在尝试创建一个闪亮的应用程序,它允许我比较来自 Seurat 对象的集群,并输出差异表达基因的列表。到目前为止,我已经尝试过:
#here's the UI portion I need help with:
selectInput(inputId = "clusters",
label = "Choose cluster 1: ",
choices = NULL)
#here's the server function
server <- function(input, output, session) {
#this is to load in the datasets reactively; i.e, they are not loaded until you select them
datasetInput <- reactive({
if (input$dataset_selec == "NK AD Dataset") {
dataset <- get(load("~/Desktop/Shiny App/Seuratapp/data/nk_integrated_object.Rdata"))
else if (input$dataset_selec == "APPPS1 Dataset") {
dataset <- get(load("~/Desktop/ShinyApp/Seuratapp/data/appps1_lymphocytes_object.Rdata"))
else if (input$dataset_selec == "T Cell Infiltration Dataset") {
dataset <- get(load("~/Desktop/Shiny App/Seuratapp/data/tcell_infiltration.Rdata"))
#this is to transform the loaded dataset into something I can use as labels
dataset <- datasetInput
inputId = "metadata_split",
label = "Choose category to split by: ",
choices = colnames(dataset@metadata))