有没有一种方便的方法可以在 Matlab 终端中显示带有行和列标签的矩阵?像这样的东西:

M = rand(5);
displaymatrix(M, {'FOO','BAR','BAZ','BUZZ','FUZZ'}, ...
                 {'ROW1','ROW2','ROW3','ROW4','ROW5'});    %??


        FOO       BAR       BAZ       BUZZ      FUZZ
ROW1    0.1622    0.4505    0.1067    0.4314    0.8530
ROW2    0.7943    0.0838    0.9619    0.9106    0.6221
ROW3    0.3112    0.2290    0.0046    0.1818    0.3510
ROW4    0.5285    0.9133    0.7749    0.2638    0.5132
ROW5    0.1656    0.1524    0.8173    0.1455    0.4018

更好的是带有一些 ASCII 艺术细节的东西:

     |   FOO       BAR       BAZ       BUZZ      FUZZ
ROW1 |   0.1622    0.4505    0.1067    0.4314    0.8530
ROW2 |   0.7943    0.0838    0.9619    0.9106    0.6221
ROW3 |   0.3112    0.2290    0.0046    0.1818    0.3510
ROW4 |   0.5285    0.9133    0.7749    0.2638    0.5132
ROW5 |   0.1656    0.1524    0.8173    0.1455    0.4018

6 回答 6


Matlab 有一个printmat在控制系统工具箱中调用的函数。它在目录“ ctrlobsolete”中,所以我们可以假设它被认为是“过时的”,但它仍然有效。


>> help printmat
 printmat Print matrix with labels.
    printmat(A,NAME,RLAB,CLAB) prints the matrix A with the row labels
    RLAB and column labels CLAB.  NAME is a string used to name the 
    matrix.  RLAB and CLAB are string variables that contain the row
    and column labels delimited by spaces.  For example, the string

        RLAB = 'alpha beta gamma';

    defines 'alpha' as the label for the first row, 'beta' for the
    second row and 'gamma' for the third row.  RLAB and CLAB must
    contain the same number of space delimited labels as there are 
    rows and columns respectively.

    printmat(A,NAME) prints the matrix A with numerical row and column
    labels.  printmat(A) prints the matrix A without a name.

    See also: printsys.


>> M = rand(5);
>> printmat(M, 'My Matrix', 'ROW1 ROW2 ROW3 ROW4 ROW5', 'FOO BAR BAZ BUZZ FUZZ' )

My Matrix = 
                       FOO          BAR          BAZ         BUZZ         FUZZ
         ROW1      0.81472      0.09754      0.15761      0.14189      0.65574
         ROW2      0.90579      0.27850      0.97059      0.42176      0.03571
         ROW3      0.12699      0.54688      0.95717      0.91574      0.84913
         ROW4      0.91338      0.95751      0.48538      0.79221      0.93399
         ROW5      0.63236      0.96489      0.80028      0.95949      0.67874
于 2012-11-11T11:41:56.783 回答

看起来您的数据具有某种结构,因此您可以将其放入更结构化的类中 -数据集,统计工具箱的一部分。

>> M = rand(5);
>> dataset({M 'FOO','BAR','BAZ','BUZZ','FUZZ'}, ...
                'obsnames', {'ROW1','ROW2','ROW3','ROW4','ROW5'})

ans = 
            FOO        BAR         BAZ        BUZZ         FUZZ    
    ROW1    0.52853     0.68921    0.91334     0.078176     0.77491
    ROW2    0.16565     0.74815    0.15238      0.44268      0.8173
    ROW3    0.60198     0.45054    0.82582      0.10665     0.86869
    ROW4    0.26297    0.083821    0.53834       0.9619    0.084436
    ROW5    0.65408     0.22898    0.99613    0.0046342     0.39978

或者,如果您要发布您的输出,这里是几个函数的一个示例,这些函数将采用带行、列名称的矩阵并生成一个 html 格式的表格。

于 2011-07-02T13:21:26.807 回答

我知道这是一个旧帖子,但我相信解决方案是使用array2table. 特别是在 OP 的情况下,只需这样做:

>> M = rand(5);
>> names= {'A','B','C','D','E'}; 
>> array2table( M, 'VariableNames', names, 'RowNames', names )

ans = 

            A          B          C          D          E    
         _______    _______    _______    _______    ________

    A    0.81472    0.09754    0.15761    0.14189     0.65574
    B    0.90579     0.2785    0.97059    0.42176    0.035712
    C    0.12699    0.54688    0.95717    0.91574     0.84913
    D    0.91338    0.95751    0.48538    0.79221     0.93399
    E    0.63236    0.96489    0.80028    0.95949     0.67874
于 2015-04-30T17:58:46.557 回答


horzcat({'';'ROW1';'ROW2';'ROW3';'ROW4';'ROW5'}, ...


ans = 

    ''        'FOO'       'BAR'       'BAZ'       'BUZZ'      'FUZZ'  
    'ROW1'    [0.3015]    [0.6665]    [0.0326]    [0.3689]    [0.6448]
    'ROW2'    [0.7011]    [0.1781]    [0.5612]    [0.4607]    [0.3763]
    'ROW3'    [0.6663]    [0.1280]    [0.8819]    [0.9816]    [0.1909]
    'ROW4'    [0.5391]    [0.9991]    [0.6692]    [0.1564]    [0.4283]
    'ROW5'    [0.6981]    [0.1711]    [0.1904]    [0.8555]    [0.4820]
于 2011-07-01T22:14:03.107 回答

Matthew Oberhardt,有用的代码,我在矩阵中添加了名称,这是新代码如此简单,只是添加了一个变量,而且我还举了一个例子来使用它,注意 conv 是一个 mxn 矩阵。

- - - - - - - -代码 - - - - - - - -

function out = dispmat(M,name,row_labels,col_labels);
%% Matthew Oberhardt 
% 02/08/2013
% intended to display a matrix along with row and column labels. 
%% ex:
% M = rand(2,3);
% row_labels = {'a';'b'};
% col_labels = {'c 1','c2 ','c3'};
% % if there are no labels for rows or cols, put '' as the input.
% row_labels = '';

%Modified 14.07.2014
%Nestor Cantu
%Added the name of the matrix.

%% check that the row & col labels are the right sizes
[nrows,ncols] = size(M);

%% populate if either of the inputs is empty 
if isempty(row_labels)
row_labels = cell(1,nrows);
    for n = 1:nrows
        row_labels{1,n} = '|'; 
if isempty(col_labels)
    col_labels = cell(1,ncols);
    for n = 1:ncols
        col_labels{1,n} = '-';

assert(length(row_labels)==nrows,'wrong # of row labels');
assert(length(col_labels)==ncols,'wrong # of col labels');

row_labels = reshape(row_labels,1,length(row_labels));
col_labels = reshape(col_labels,1,length(col_labels));

%% remove spaces (since they are separators in printmat.m
cols = strrep(col_labels, ' ', '_');
rows = strrep(row_labels, ' ', '_');

%% create labels, space delimited
c_out = [];
for n = 1:length(cols)
    c_out = [c_out,cols{n},' '];
c_out = c_out(1:end-1);
r_out = [];
for n = 1:length(rows)
    r_out = [r_out,rows{n},' '];
r_out = r_out(1:end-1);

%% print



----------EXAMPLE with matrix conv(5,4)--------------

[m n] = size(conv);
for i=1:n
    col{i} = ['K = ' num2str(i)];

for i=1:m
    row{i} = ['n =' num2str(i)];


- - - - - - - 结果 - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Convergence = 
                 K_=_1        K_=_2        K_=_3        K_=_4        K_=_5
     n_=1      0.74218      0.42070      0.11101 9.86259e-006 9.86259e-006
     n_=2      0.49672      0.26686      0.00233 4.46114e-011 4.46114e-011
     n_=3      0.01221      0.00488 1.23422e-007            0            0
     n_=4      0.00010 7.06889e-008 7.06889e-008            0            0
于 2014-07-14T20:34:48.670 回答


function out = dispmat(M,row_labels,col_labels);
%% Matthew Oberhardt
% 02/08/2013
% intended to display a matrix along with row and column labels.
% % ex:
% M = rand(2,3);
% row_labels = {'a';'b'};
% col_labels = {'c 1','c2 ','c3'};
% % if there are no labels for rows or cols, put '' as the input.
% row_labels = '';

%% check that the row & col labels are the right sizes
[nrows,ncols] = size(M);

%% populate if either of the inputs is empty 
if isempty(row_labels)
    row_labels = cell(1,nrows);
    for n = 1:nrows
        row_labels{1,n} = '|'; 
if isempty(col_labels)
    col_labels = cell(1,ncols);
    for n = 1:ncols
        col_labels{1,n} = '-';

assert(length(row_labels)==nrows,'wrong # of row labels');
assert(length(col_labels)==ncols,'wrong # of col labels');

row_labels = reshape(row_labels,1,length(row_labels));
col_labels = reshape(col_labels,1,length(col_labels));

%% remove spaces (since they are separators in printmat.m
cols = strrep(col_labels, ' ', '_');
rows = strrep(row_labels, ' ', '_');

%% create labels, space delimited
c_out = [];
for n = 1:length(cols)
    c_out = [c_out,cols{n},' '];
c_out = c_out(1:end-1);

r_out = [];
for n = 1:length(rows)
    r_out = [r_out,rows{n},' '];
r_out = r_out(1:end-1);

%% print
printmat(M, '',r_out,c_out)
于 2013-02-08T16:23:50.180 回答