I installed the 'Image and 3D model editors' component, but when I click on a .png (icon) file from my Xamarin Forms solution, I get this pop up error:

There is no editor available for 'C:\Users\...\MySolution\MyProject.Android\Resources\mipmap-xxxhdpi\launcher_foreground.png'.

Make sure the application for the file type (.png) is installed.

Do I also have to enable the component somewhere? What am I missing here?

EDIT: If I right click on the image and 'Open With...', then I get these options: enter image description here

The first (Default) option would give me this: enter image description here


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尝试右键单击您的图像文件,然后选择Open With... -> Graphics Designers


于 2020-12-29T01:58:28.003 回答