我正在使用 REST API 创建一个 rtsp 挂载点,这没有问题,但是当我尝试通过像这里"permanent": true
所说的那样传递来使其永久化时, 我从我的 janus 服务器获得以下输出
Creating new session: 1061907600538733; 0x7f287c0051c0
Creating new handle in session 1061907600538733: 7414033818688905; 0x7f287c0051c0 0x7f287c007440
[WARN] No host address for the RTSP video stream, no latching will be performed
[ERR] [config.c:janus_config_save_list:605] Error saving group '5916379136588116' to the config file...
[5916379136588116] New video stream! (ssrc=628656017, index 0)
[7014297744008600] Creating ICE agent (ICE Full mode, controlling)
并且它添加了挂载点,但它不是永久性的……以 root 身份运行 janus 并没有修复它。